Advanced Notoriety Mod

Hello yorpie. Can you make the police,swat and SNG much more???. And one more thing in your mod description written that the SNG is also have grenades, but when they will use the grenade. I more often see flashbang thats swat used. Can you tell me please??? Beacause i love your mod. Its was fun :)
Hello yorpie. Can you make the police,swat and SNG much more???. And one more thing in your mod description written that the SNG is also have grenades, but when they will use the grenade. I more often see flashbang thats swat used. Can you tell me please??? Beacause i love your mod. Its was fun :)

Hey man, check this out. I increased the number of police, SWAT and SNG so tell me what you think of it.


um, i want to report a bug when i have just met it at the finish of create character.

I do have something myself, after I complete the first mission and create a new character and finish, the game crashes (at least thats some time ago, I don't know about now.) So I suggest you use this after completing the main game. I will perhaps look into making it story compatible later on, for now I want the notoriety level itself to be perfect.

So, what was that bug you were talking about?
I do have something myself, after I complete the first mission and create a new character and finish, the game crashes (at least thats some time ago, I don't know about now.) So I suggest you use this after completing the main game. I will perhaps look into making it story compatible later on, for now I want the notoriety level itself to be perfect.

So, what was that bug you were talking about?
It crashes the game.:(
Hey man, check this out. I increased the number of police, SWAT and SNG so tell me what you think of it.
Its was cool and funnnn!!!!. Thanks man. You're great. You are the best modder for notoriety.thanks man. :)
even more units during notoriety? lol there is a lot of them already

Yes, I know, EVEN more units during notoriety :D I also find there are a lot already how I released it (especially at notoriety 4 and 5)

But its not in the official release, just for M240Boy who seems to be a badass motherf*cker since the already high amount of cops still wasn't enough for him XD

You can also download it (few comments up) to see how crazy his request is. And now he has asked me to give the SNG shotguns, smgs, riot shields, brutes,... so yeah :p

But like I said, its just something I made for him, it won't cause any harm to the official releases offcoarse. (Version 1.1 is coming: This will enhance the STAG notoriety and make some tweaks to the police notoriety (biggest change is that I made the SWAT at notoriety 3 a lot more randomised. Somtimes you will have multiple SWAT teams after you at 3 shields and sometimes none. Right now when you reach notoriety 3 there will be ALWAYS a SWAT lockdown spawning and a SWAT eagle (you probably noticed already), in version 1.1 SWAT Eagle will only spawn sometimes, the same for SWAT lockdown.

And the STAG notoriety: This will make edits to the STAG notoriety like now there actually will be only STAG commandos at notoriety 5 (v1.0 not I have noticed) and cops will no longer show up at notoriety 2 and 3 unlike the original wanted level. Further changes are the STAG roadblocks and STAG commander boats appearing on the water while STAG is active (police jetskis also don't spawn no more.)

PS: If you find any bugs caused by the mod (or have any suggestions or things you don't like about the mod), please report them to me (Except for story related crashes, because this mod is currently highly recommended for completed games only.)
Its was cool and funnnn!!!!. Thanks man. You're great. You are the best modder for notoriety.thanks man. :)

Best modder for notoriety? haha thans :p Well yeah, I've been editing notoriety for almost 9 months. I've also made an SNG Martial Law mod (removed it :( but I can remake it). It make SNG troops patrol all over the city on foot and in SNG Bulldogs and SNG armed eagles also flew over the city. SNG roadblocks and parked vehicles also could be seen even when not wanted. Further changes were no more cops and SWAT during an active notoriety level, only SNG (2 shields bulldogs, 3 shields bulldogs with gunners, 4 shields SNG bears, 5 shields SNG tanks)

I'll probably release that one when I have remade it :)

I'm also thinking of making another notoriety mod like this:

1 shields: low amount of cops with pistols
2 shields: pretty high amount of cops with roadblocks, heli,...
3 shields: high amount of cops and also a good SWAT prescense
4 shields: SNG troops take over the streets with bulldogs, bears, tanks and heli's
5 shields: STAG comes in to kick the player his ass.

So basically a mod that will make STAG show up at the highest level. I've been looking to add a 6th shield but I doubt its possible.