GoS, Shitface's Weapon Rebalance 3.5.3, Shiny Clothes for MC, ComradeJK's nude mod, Removed Hair Restrictions by Kibaistheman, and this mod. Installed in that order. I used Winmerge to merge the customization_items.xtbl of two of the mods, don't know if it worked but it loaded fine, before I added this mod. Does that help?
Your best option is to build the customization patch without half of the mod's files in the folder, see if it works then keep putting back in mod files until it breaks again. Then you'll know the culprit. If you cant live without the mod thats breaking it tell me what it is and ill see if i cant find out whats going wrong.
PS--I've heard bad things about shiny's mod, hair restrictions mod isnt that great because it can cause clipping all over the damn place and in most places looks bad so id suggest removing those files from the folder first.