Alternate Character Customization

I would just love the freckle bitch skin. :D That one was AWESOME!
I second this, my boss just doesn't look like herself without all the extra freckles. That being said, I'm so glad the tattoos are up. :)

I've been working on saints row the third a lot recently, so I've neglected work on SR4. I'm still working on SR3, but in the mean time as it's come up a couple of times, here's a skin for you freckle fans. It's the original freckle bitch, except I used the saints row 4 default skin as the base.


Awesoooome! Thanks, JediDave!!! ;)
I'm tempted to start editing posts that say "it doesn't work" without providing any useful information, to poke fun at the idea of such a post. Maybe we could use a new rule. (But no, i wouldn't actually edit someone's post like that; only to clean up grammar or combine multiple posts.)
Possibly stupid question. But is there a way to get the freckle bitch skin to work with Porno and Murder?
If you would just take your time to read page 2 of this thread you would come across this:
I believe the asm files need to be updated to work with the changes made by the two mods, then.
Run the Stream2Update program from here. I believe that is enough to take care of it. :