AR55 Burst Rate of Fire

Heck of it is, I forget where I found the files but there were some kindly uploaded zips of the xtbl files which is what I was using.
I tried using that recursiveunpacker and had a nightmare 14 some odd gigs of files I had no idea what to do with .
But the zips had the xtbls which is all I wanted.

The one I have that I think was the latest at the Time was.. dated back in 1/12/2012.
I suppose some of the xtbls in there might well be outdated by later patches. Dunno.
That file may well be uploaded here somewhere.
I have it here I guess I can attatch it , if is a issue Minimaul or Idol can delete.

Its just a zip loaded with the xtbls. Cant' say if is current as of latest patches.


I have it here I guess I can attatch it , if is a issue Minimaul or Idol can delete.

Its just a zip loaded with the xtbls. Cant' say if is current as of latest patches.

I don't see a problem with that. /shrug
ok.. call me what you want. but I figured it out. Download the GoS mod and access the optional mods folder, go to misc_tables.vpp_pc to weapons_rebalance and guess what's in there? a whole bunch of already readable files. alter to you hearts content and there ya go.
ok.. call me what you want.

How about "insightful"? All those files are there under their appropriately named mod folder to make it easy to see what archives they come from and play with. I'm not trying to obfuscate anything. Feel free to play with them and mod them to your heart's content. :)

Do keep in mind that these aren't the original vanilla files though. Each one has been changed in some way for that particular mod.

You may also want to look in patch_uncompressed.vpp_pc as well, since those are newer versions of some of the files from misc_tables.vpp_pc.