Audio out of Sync during Gat romance

Okay so this is a bit of weird bug and it seems that not a lot of people have it. Instead of explaining it I took a video capture of it. Half way through the Gat romance, audio goes completely out of sync with the animations.

Really weird.

It only happens in that scene as far as I've noticed. All other romances or scenes work fine.

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The Gat romance lines are... fickle. Some voice actors delivered the lines at different speeds, and occasionally (depending on the player voice selection, load speed, and framerate) the lines just cut out halfway through and/or don't line up with the animation.

This might be patchable. Unfortunately we got an enormous delivery of voice lines late in the project and the romance lines were trumped by mission-critical voice for testing priority. I'll have a chat with some people and see what the patchablility of this is. It might require some code, which is a little more risky than a data change.
One other thing I notice on your video: when the screen pans upward, Gat disappears just before he and the Boss get out of frame. That instance of it is relatively minor, but I've personally experienced it where Gat disappears right when the camera starts to pan up, leaving the Boss making out with nobody. I'll try to get a video cap of that.
The Gat romance lines are... fickle. Some voice actors delivered the lines at different speeds, and occasionally (depending on the player voice selection, load speed, and framerate) the lines just cut out halfway through and/or don't line up with the animation.

This might be patchable. Unfortunately we got an enormous delivery of voice lines late in the project and the romance lines were trumped by mission-critical voice for testing priority. I'll have a chat with some people and see what the patchablility of this is. It might require some code, which is a little more risky than a data change.

I don't know if it's worth mentioning but my computer is powerful enough to run the game on ultra settings with smooth and steady frame rates. For reference, here is my dxdiag, if it would be of any help: DxDiag

Also a friend of mine, who has similar but slightly less powerful specs doesn't have that issue. Here's a video of her version of the scene:
Yep. Since the game is built primarily for consoles, the framerate for the Xbox and PS3 is generally considered the norm. Animations, VFX, and cutscene subtitles (among numerous other things) are timed to frame counts, so there's going to be a wide disparity among PCs of various specs. Since basically every PC user has different, unique specs, we can't really cater to any one of them. Hence why your friend has no problem on her setup.
Yep. Since the game is built primarily for consoles, the framerate for the Xbox and PS3 is generally considered the norm. Animations, VFX, and cutscene subtitles (among numerous other things) are timed to frame counts, so there's going to be a wide disparity among PCs of various specs. Since basically every PC user has different, unique specs, we can't really cater to any one of them. Hence why your friend has no problem on her setup.
What frame-rate target do you guys usually aim for?
There are methods of limiting frame-rate on the PC that people can use to help prevent things like this if they so desire...
What frame-rate target do you guys usually aim for?
There are methods of limiting frame-rate on the PC that people can use to help prevent things like this if they so desire...

Sadly my problem isn't just the out of sync. The audio doesn't even continue. Like my Saint doesn't finish her lines. So yeah. I'm holding out hope for a fix.
I'm having a similar problem, except it happens on every single main-story cutscene. The longer the cutscene goes, the more out of sync it gets, until the audio is 5-10 seconds ahead of the video. It only happens during the cutscenes in the main storyline; other than that I'm having no issues with the sound. Is this a known issue?
I'm having a similar problem, except it happens on every single main-story cutscene. The longer the cutscene goes, the more out of sync it gets, until the audio is 5-10 seconds ahead of the video. It only happens during the cutscenes in the main storyline; other than that I'm having no issues with the sound. Is this a known issue?
The way cutscenes work is that they have a single audio file that plays at the start of the cutscene. If the framerate is low, the game won't keep up with the audio. If this bothers you, I would suggest lower settings or an upgrade. I don't think this is something that can be easily fixed in code just due to the nature of it.