Ha ha ha ha ha!SR2 wasn't the best but let's not talk about that here![]()

But, in all seriousness, I think this is an issue that many businesses have: listening to the loudest person in the room when making decisions instead of looking at the hard data. Everyone has opinions, but in a business you need to maximize customer satisfaction as much as possible, and the only way to do that is to look at the data. Granted, data can be interpreted in different ways too, so it's not always so simple.
For example, maybe Volition looked at the declining ratings of the Saints Row series and concluded that people were becoming bored with it, so they should go in a new direction. Now, with an additional data point (AOM), it looks like that may not have been the correct conclusion. My personal interpretation is that people were becoming dissatisfied with the direction in which Saints Row was going, and they preferred the style of the older Saints Row games. That's also my personal opinion, but, again, that holds no weight by itself. That's where reading the forums could actually provide some additional insight.
On the forums, it's clear than many people like the Saints Row series, but cannot agree on the older or newer style. That's where we can go back to the data and look at the average user ratings (or sales data, if available).
Of course, I realize I am WAY oversimplifying this and there are many factors to consider, but this is the basic idea.
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