Aaaaalright. I spent some time on that jump camera thing and here's what I got. Get yourself a fresh copy of anim_files.xtbl, look for a line number 3770 (containing "plyf_dps_jump.animx") and change this:
to thatCode:<Trigger><Name>jump camera start</Name><Frame>9</Frame></Trigger>
(or just download the attached file)Code:<Trigger><Name>camera animated ramp in</Name><Frame>9</Frame></Trigger>
Then start your game as a female protagonist, draw dual pistols and jump while standing still. Camera should follow your character as she goes up and lands. If that's a camera behavior you were looking for, then just replace "jump camera start" with "camera animated ramp in" for all plym_ and plyf_ .animx files that have "jump" in their filenames. If I'm not missing anything and if you manage to cover all possible player jump animations out there, then that modified anim_files.xtbl *should* get the job done for you
Hi BadMadScientist
Thanks for the work you did and info, unfortunately that command did not work i was looking at animation file's, as well
But good new's i did get this to work,
on all stand still and jump and run jump camera's
>jump to fall</Name><Frame>36</Frame></Trigger><Trigger><Name>movement lock</Name><Frame>1</Frame></Trigger><Trigger><Name>jump tolock</Name><Frame>1</Frame></Trigger><Trigger><Name>heading unlock</Name><Frame>11</Frame></Trigger><Trigger><Name>movement unlock</Name><Frame>11</Frame></Trigger><Trigger><Name>jump camera </Name><Frame>9</Frame></Trigger><Trigger><Name>force use velocity start</Name><Frame>1</Frame></Trigger><Trigger><Name>force use velocity end</Name><Frame>36</Frame></Trigger><Trigger><Name>tag start<
if you have any idea's about the sprint to jump camera's that would be most appreciated
Heres the same run as the first jump test video on the settings above