Billboard Texture Toolkit for SRIV

Cool tool,
..can you or anyone else tell me in wich ''str2_pc'' can i find the billboard ''screen_sign_iad_boards.tga'' ?
Thanks in advance ;)

EDIT: nevermind, found it, it was in 0914 ..question:when repacking a packfile, is it necessary to include ALL the files even if i only edited one? I'm guessing that after updating the asm, it will take priority in loading the files from the packfile and if there are texture missing in it it will load them from the cache fokder..right?
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A little bit off-subject, but i think people on this thread could help me out, its about the 0914.str2_pc ... what ASMs do i need to make it work? I'm trying with only ''0914.asm_pc'' but when i try to update it while repacking the packfile, it gives me an error like :
''could not find container named 0914 in the selected asm file!''
..if the asm isnt the issue..what could it be? When i try using the 0914 packfile with the asm for it (both from your mod..) i dont see the changes in game, and if i add the asm ''stream_grid.asm_pc'', tons of textures in game doesnt load..
thanks ;)
Could you update the tool to add the rest of the billboards like for rusty needle,etc..? I already found them, so if you dont have the time to update it yourself, can you tell me how i could do it myself, so that when packing the textures it includes the rest of them? Thanks.
is there a website that could do it insted because i dont have enaugh space to through away on gimp and this kind of crap.
A little bit off-subject, but i think people on this thread could help me out, its about the 0914.str2_pc ... what ASMs do i need to make it work? I'm trying with only ''0914.asm_pc'' but when i try to update it while repacking the packfile, it gives me an error like :
''could not find container named 0914 in the selected asm file!''
..if the asm isnt the issue..what could it be? When i try using the 0914 packfile with the asm for it (both from your mod..) i dont see the changes in game, and if i add the asm ''stream_grid.asm_pc'', tons of textures in game doesnt load..
thanks ;)
Are you using StreamUpdater in Minimaul's tools? should update all asms
Why it can't process a sequence of files named like
file (1).cvbm_pc
file (2).cvbm_pc
file (1)
file (2)
and leaves only one
instead? (can't tell if it picks first one it touched or last one)
Sort of crucial for what I'm currently trying to mod: seems like some different textures from different city parts have same names.
Damn, I give up. Where can I locate that bright HUGE billboard texture where two different panties (leather and, obviously, laced) are present? I simply can't find it in game's innards.
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All my billboards end up being black, dunno why? help
It is possible, if you are modifying textures that are also modified by a Workshop mod (ie, New Textures by Admixon (not sure if Admixon has any billboards but he covers most everything with a retex; or Billboard Mod - Sexy Girls and Titties by gameqube), they will look blacked out. I experienced the very thing using Iron Saint MK retextures from these forums, while subscribed to SkinBalls mod from Workshop...which adds/modifies color pattern for the Iron Saint outfit as well as add/modify several other existing outfits. This is called "mod conflict".

It is also possible you may have exported your textures improperly (RGB8,DXT1 seems to work well), or normal maps..which should be 8-bit unsigned, RGB8, DXT1 when generated (that green looking kind ;) ) I've only messed with weapons textures and a few clothing items, but seems that there are no alpha-transparent textures in use so far that I've found, which is why I've always exported modified textures RGB8+DXT1...removing alpha channel before exporting from GIMP as that seems to lessen the compression anomaly of squares of off colors.

I am no expert at texture manipulation, but I do think you might look to the first observation above: mod conflict. Test your mod without any other similar mods.