SPOILERS Bonus and reworked unlockables

IdolNinja has handed this mod over to me, so I'll be updating it accordingly.


As a result I'll be posting a ton of dev and release builds in the attachments. First dev and release builds will have no difference from one another but updates to dev builds will be more frequent. Choose what you will, but the dev builds may be buggy.

This is an early early release because so many unlockables have only been edited as I see fit so I'm posting early so there's more ideas.

Zero Cool

* Rewards Recursor.

Emergency Situation

* Rewards Vice Kings, Ronin, Sons of Samedi, Brotherhood, and Syndicate vehicles including others that don't appear in the mission like the Vice Kings Compensator and Hammer, plus Deckers and Luchadore vehicles.

* Dane Vogel is planned as a reward but I cannot get him to spawn for some reason. If anyone has an idea on how to get him to work, please tell me.

Loyalty - The Girl Who Beat Cyrus

* Rewards Cyrus' VTOL and all STAG vehicles from SR3.

Side missions

* Collectible Finder has been remade as a purchasable upgrade. Price is $100,000 and requires 50 respect to unlock. Matt Miller's final reward is replaced by vehicle upgrade discounts.

* Unlimited sprint has been remade as a purchasable addon. Price is $75,000 and again requires 50 respect to unlock. Keith's reward which was this has been replaced by weapon customization discounts.

* The Dubstep Gun is no longer rewarded by Keith and can only be unlocked in The Girl Who Hates the 50s.


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I like all these changes so far.

Pony Cart could be a reward for completing the EtD mission with them.
Loving the changes so far. I hope you can make all of the forced upgrades from challenges and side quests purchasable instead, since I hated having TK damage forced onto me
@IdolNinja That'd be a possibility. I'll see about adding that too.

@War Raichu It's possible to an extent. There's a max of 1337 clusters (ha!) in the game. Once everything is purchased and all the clusters collected there is only 190 you can actually use.
Nice, been waiting for a mod that rework the rewards. If possible try get the Time of Day unlock into one of the side quest.
I apologize for the lack of updates. I had recently suffered a hard drive failure and lost most of my work. Since it's hosted here I can restart. I wasn't much farther.

I noticed a bug with the recent update automatically gives Collectible Finder and others, without even having mods in the first place. I checked for a save game flag and even making a new save still shows the bug. I can still work with this, so expect updates now since I have a new PC.