Can this laptop run this game decently?

I would recommend upgrading to a better PC. You don't have to get an Alienware or anything.. but get one with a better processor and a sexy graphics card.
I would recommend upgrading to a better PC. You don't have to get an Alienware or anything.. but get one with a better processor and a sexy graphics card.
He (llJwSll) asked if the laptop could run SR:IV decently (this laptop has an i7, a dual core 2.5Ghz is good enough, not even talking about the GPU), not on the highest settings.
Are you all insane? His lap top should be able to play both SR 3 and 4 and rather high settings. Not sure where you get you're info, but I run Saints Row 3 on medium setting on an old HP 8510p laptop with an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600 and a 2 ghz Intel core 2 duo. Though the card is aggressively overclocked. Also an option. AMD cards overclock very easily.
I know from experience that a mobile HD 4000 can play it at around 30 fps medium settings (old laptop had one), so your radeon chip should be fine playing it at a playable FPS.
To the OP...
If you run the game at say 1280x1024 you can probably get away with high or ultra settings along with 2x to 4x AF and AA.
And No, You're not going to be able to play at 1080p with ultra settings smoothly (IE 1900x1080 with 4 to 16 AF and AA)...
But then again the laptop monitor probably doesn't do above 720p anyway.

The main slowdown in frame rates comes when you up the resolution along with AF and AA.
Thats when it sucks up more vid memory and gpu resources.

To everyone else....WTF? folks...
His laptop is decent (a 1.9Ghz I7 dual core that turbo's to 3Ghz with a 875om which is a 600+mhz gpu with 384 Stream Processors).
It's not the high high end, but that card was listed by AMD in there laptop gaming card line-up at the time of its release (which was around the same time this game was released).