Car Stunts Marks on map

I'm looking for mod which will indicate show car stunts which we have not yet done. Thanks for reply :)
That's something on the map and as far as I know that's hard-coded stuff. I'll stay away from it.
So, this is impossible?
In SR2 all the map icons were dynamically populated based on cts files that contained their in-game coordinates. This was not hardcoded, but rather done by a vint call in the lua that handled the map. While srtt no longer uses editable cts files, there may still be a way to do a vint call to add additional types. I haven't looked at the map script at all though, so I can't say for sure.

Unfortunately, I'm extremely busy with other modding projects. Hopefully another modder can take a look.
I hope this can help ;
Here is a stunt jump map I found that shows the locations of the jumps.
I printed this image and as each jump is done, I mark it with a red circle.
This should help you to keep track of the jumps you made.

I know this map, I saw it two weeks ago. In my opinion this map is meaningless. On this map tags is too many, all arrows hide everything. It seems to me, when author this map, done regular points, not big arrows :confused:

But thanks for the help :)

So If make such mode is very hard, I will settle with this map.
I know this map, I saw it two weeks ago. In my opinion this map is meaningless. On this map tags is too many, all arrows hide everything. It seems to me, when author this map, done regular points, not big arrows

The arrows are either pointing Away From or Towards the location of the jump, but either way, the "Tail" on the arrow is always pointing to the location of the jump and the "Head" of the arrow is always showing the direction you need to be traveling, and the Color of the arrow tells you what type of jump it is, dirt/grass, metal, pavement, etc.

46 and 47 both are pointing toward the same bridge, showing that you need to cross it both directions to get both jumps, east and west.
25 and 26 are very close to each other, based on where the Tail of the arrow is pointing, but you need to head in opposite directions to get them both, north and south.

So, in review, the tail of the arrow, when present, shows the location of the jump. Or, if there is no tail, then you go to where the point of the head is.

The author of the map had to use these combined arrow types in order to get them all to fit.