Carlos and Julius

You are putting words in my mouth which have not even passed by my mind, i can respect you don`t like Julius, its cool really... but there is no need for you to spam my thread with your hatred toward him, i did not posted a thread asking Volition to revive him and Carlos only to read your rants and your personal phobias against Julius on why he should not be revived.

I happen to like him and i really don`t need to explain anything, in any case... someone else gave you a good reply about Julius motives which you happen to ignore, if it troubles you so much you can always ignore threads like this.

Just saying.
I'd like to see this. But instead of shooting the chain and calling an ambulance, you get the player choice prompt: "Mercy Kill" or "Let Him Bleed"

Haha... well i know some Volition Staff hate Carlos, but i remember some of the Volition Members in the live streams before SR4 Release claiming they were glad he died, while others kinda regret having to kill him.

How about we get to rescue him before he gets chained? hahaha...
Haha... well i know some Volition Staff hate Carlos, but i remember some of the Volition Members in the live streams before SR4 Release claiming they were glad he died, while others kinda regret having to kill him.

How about we get to rescue him before he gets chained? hahaha...

Better idea, how about the developers render themselves in the game, armed with machetes, and fight in a last-man-standing match? What better way to legally sort out your differences in a violent way than by rendering yourself in a video-game and let the computer decide who's the best?

And the winner can implement whoever they want in the game and so on...
And then the censors come in, and ban the characters for 'drug use' or whatever.

Still, I would LOVE to see a Volition cage match. I also suggest we give the audio devs dubstep guns. But only if the programmers get disintrgrators. I'd pay money for that DLC. :D

Then after that, dunno. We resurrect a few of the people. Carlos is tempting, but Julius does make more sense. It's kind of odd though, I never got to even know him a bit, since he was from the game none of us pc gamers have played. I admit though I was surprised that Ben King was suddenly in the game and working for the Boss. Out of the blue and all that, three games later.
I liked Julius too, but let's face it: he was a spineless coward.

The way he tried to kill the playa was very dishonorable, so he got what he deserved.

As for Carlos... he had a fitting end. He didn't have much charisma to speak of and I always saw him as a plot device more than a character to be honest:

RIP dude ex machina that rescued me from jail.
Yes, that is exactly it. He was more of a plot device. Unlike other characters he wasn't central, and didn't have staying power even through the one game. Julius however was central to the first game (as noted, I've never played, but know enough of the story to make some inferences), yet lived to near the end. He also left a mark on the Boss, because of everything.

You know, by that virtue, we need Oleg back. He's come across very early in SR3, he stays with you the whole game, has his own personality, AND he's referenced repeatedly in SR4. He certainly left his mark, Kinzie can't get over him since he was probably the closest thing she ever had to an actual love interest since, well, ever. Plus he even shows up at the start of the game. By all that I suspect he's actually going to show up, in a DLC. It's too much set up, and they've already shown they're happy to use stuff that came up before.

So I guess then the question is what characters that are central to at least one of the games haven't shown up yet? There IS a Dane Vogel mode, buried away... meaning he might show up in a DLC. Who else will show in the future (and moreso, who else has their models already in the game like Dane or Oleg?)