change clothes anywhere

I found it is possible to change the player's outfit to Video Repair by using "customization_outfit_wear" command via sr2_city.lua (this feature might be included in the future versions of my Sandbox++ mod):
               -- Video Repair outfit
               customization_outfit_wear( "repair", 0, SYNC_LOCAL )
               if COOP_COMMANDS_ACTIVE then
                   customization_outfit_wear( "repair", 0, SYNC_REMOTE )
               sandbox_message("Video Repair Outfit activated")
I could not find a way to activate the wardrobe UI from lua though.
Another thought on this matter. When I called 911 for the hitman activity, the medic set up a shopping cart icon. So it might be possible to have one of the clothes stores deliver as well. Of course this requires a recorded message to be played on the phone. And since I'm new to Sants Row I have no idea how many files this would involve and if it can cause compatibility issues.

nclok, can your script access only predefined outfits or user created ones as well? And how is it called?
I already had a change to predefined outfits commands in my custom sandbox for sr2, however couldnt figure out user created, I also do know of a way to do it anywhere however it would be much like my buggy af v1 on foot radio mod, which disabled most of the game to be played like missions stores and so on, untill i added instant trigger accepts with delayed "times" however alot was still unusable in the game so i never decided to make that mod and release because it was more hassle than what it was worth. But what ludar said brings up his question in thought, i wont be looking into it so good luck to who ever does!
I have updated my Sandbox++ mod so you can now change your outfit to any of 78 predefined outfits during gameplay. However, like CabooseSayzWTF said, user created outfits are not accessible from Lua; I created a custom outfit called "custom" and tried to call it from "sr2_city.lua", but the game didn't do anything.
I also tried to change the trigger created by 911 phone call but it went nowhere. I could change its icon and use-prompt to look it like a wardrobe (by editing "triggers.xtbl" included in common.vpp_pc) but the actual behaviour (healing the player) remained the same and I have no idea where the 911 trigger's behaviour is defined (likely hardcoded).