Saints Row IV Character Cutscene Calamity

There are 552 spots, so 500 for the main game, 52 for DLC.

These were the entries bumped out of the game because they were at the end of the file. The game loads entries until it runs out of room and anything leftover is just ignored.

So I checked out the new character.xtbl included in today's patch_compressed.vpp update, and you guys seem to have dumped all the DLC character entries into character.xtbl...what's the reason for this move?
My first thought was: Good guys from Volition throwing all character entries into one table so we know how many character space we have left. :')
My first guess is that someone forgot to remove them. We develop DLC much like the main game, but we set the framework on the entry. When we pack things up for final retail, we have a tool that strips out dlc stuff from the table file and builds the dlc table file to include in the dlc packfile. My guess is that someone didn't run this stripper when they released the latest patch. It won't hurt anything and the game should ignore the dlc entries in characters.xtbl. It is mostly done like this because of consoles not allowing data patching.