Clothing Mod Request

Is it possible to change the class of a clothing item? What I want is for the "Fancy Fishnets" to work as an underwear, so you could wear them with a skirt or dress.
I've been playing around with it, but can't get my game to load after modifiying it. At first it wouldn't even try to load, it kicked me out at the autosave notification screen, now it gets to the game loading splashes and just endlessly cycles through them. I have changed the following entries:

Obscurity from Privacy Bar & underwear to just Privacy Bar
VID from 0 221 to just 0
Slot from Lower Body to underwear

Any ideas on what I'm missing? I feel like I must be close.
Just had a try doing this myself but wasn't able to get anywhere. If you're getting crashes, you've probably modified the .xtbl to not have a closing statement (The </Something> part). I think it might have something to do with the clothing mesh not being loaded since I can get to the store just fine and the clothes are in the new category, it just shows up as being naked.
I can't get this to work at all, my game crashes if I try to load any characters that even own the fishnets... any modders out there that can give me a hand? I have checked for open statements in the .xtbl, and there aren't any, so that's not it.