Corpse explosion and sniper power increase

I've seen a mod here (dont remind who made it) where people exploded if killed by a direct hit from an explosive weapon, I'd like a mod for this only and a mod to increase the sniper strength on level 4, I've been playing on Hardcore and I miss the 1 hit kill (it doenst happen with everyshot) so I'm asking here if someone can do it for me, since I dont have any experience on modding and need to use my free time to upgrade my drawing skills (when I'm not playing), thanks.
Just copy the changes I made to the explosive and sniper weapons into an unedited version of weapons.xtbl. If you don't know how to do that or don't have the time, just wait until the new Gentlemen of Steelport is released, it will let you select which mod features you want to use. But really, why would you want to get rid of all the other features? My mod rules.
Thanks Shitface, I dont really want to get rid of all of them, but the perm temporary weapons sometimes crashes the multplayer, it's only for this, I really like your whole mod I use all of them the multplayer is the only reason that I want a corpse explosion/sniper increase mod.