I customize a lot of cars and I need quick(ish) access to Rim Jobs so the yacht garage
is not an ideal safe house for me but ever
since I was a little miscreant I have loved the mountains. So I decided
that was where I wanted to put my safe house. Mt. Claflin.
In order to get started I knew that I would have to move all the
crib assets. The money, closet, weapons cache, clipboard and television
would all have to be moved, as well as the boat garage which would have
to be changed into a car garage.
Ok, the first thing to consider is the layout of my safe house. Mt Claflin
looks like an old settlement that has turned into a Ghost Town. That aesthetic
appeals to me. So I want to keep it. Instead of having my icons all in a row
I like the idea of them being scattered about a little bit.
For this we will have to dig into two separate files 'cribs.xtbl' and
'cribs_sr2_city.cts'. Both are available in the
For our tools we will need a coordinates finder. There are a couple of options out
there but I just use powertools because it's what I'm used to. You will need a keyboard
with a scroll lock key to use Powertools.
Juiced Patch https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rwdDOP6kXbOY36kfyEdQaFHC5aUgYWF1/view?usp=drive_link (Uzi)
Powertools https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/attachments/sr2_powertools_rev5-zip.25590/ (nclok1405)
SuperUI https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/attachments/superui_for_sr2_v2-9-7z.28725/ (nclok1405)
You will also need an understanding of the compass points in Stilwater:
https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/angle-orient-direction-in-saints-row-2.18073/ (NClok1405)
Also a pen and paper might help.
Now that I have my tools I can begin.
First I have to open the cribs.xtbl file and find the name of the crib I want to replace
in my case it is 'Ultor_Yacht' and the trigger name, which we will also need, is '$YT_ultor'
Here is the entry for the Ultor_Yacht:
Ok, This is our starting point. We will have to find the file that houses the coordinates
for all the assets like the clothing and cash then we will have to change them.
The asset coordinates are contained in a file called 'cribs_sr2_city.cts'
so we can open that up next and search for our assets. *To find these files check:
Looking at the code above we see that our assets use the $YT_Ultor trigger code so that is what
we will search for.
we find our first mention under the Navpoints section.
There is also a mention of the same assets under the Trigger Code.
The trigger code doesn't need to be touched but the coordinates up in the navpoint code need to be changed.
(They are already set to the Claflin numbers.)
Note: We are only moving a safe house not creating one, so don't try to change the name or the
trigger code. You can change the 'purchase the Ultor_Yacht for $500,000' message in the cribs.xtbl file
as well as the price and if you set the <Locked>true</Locked> line to false it will be open at the start of the game. But you will still have to purchase it later.
That covers the very basics.
is not an ideal safe house for me but ever
since I was a little miscreant I have loved the mountains. So I decided
that was where I wanted to put my safe house. Mt. Claflin.
In order to get started I knew that I would have to move all the
crib assets. The money, closet, weapons cache, clipboard and television
would all have to be moved, as well as the boat garage which would have
to be changed into a car garage.
Ok, the first thing to consider is the layout of my safe house. Mt Claflin
looks like an old settlement that has turned into a Ghost Town. That aesthetic
appeals to me. So I want to keep it. Instead of having my icons all in a row
I like the idea of them being scattered about a little bit.
For this we will have to dig into two separate files 'cribs.xtbl' and
'cribs_sr2_city.cts'. Both are available in the
For our tools we will need a coordinates finder. There are a couple of options out
there but I just use powertools because it's what I'm used to. You will need a keyboard
with a scroll lock key to use Powertools.
Juiced Patch https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rwdDOP6kXbOY36kfyEdQaFHC5aUgYWF1/view?usp=drive_link (Uzi)
Powertools https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/attachments/sr2_powertools_rev5-zip.25590/ (nclok1405)
SuperUI https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/attachments/superui_for_sr2_v2-9-7z.28725/ (nclok1405)
You will also need an understanding of the compass points in Stilwater:
https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/angle-orient-direction-in-saints-row-2.18073/ (NClok1405)
Also a pen and paper might help.
Now that I have my tools I can begin.
First I have to open the cribs.xtbl file and find the name of the crib I want to replace
in my case it is 'Ultor_Yacht' and the trigger name, which we will also need, is '$YT_ultor'
Here is the entry for the Ultor_Yacht:
<DisplayName>Ultor Yacht</DisplayName>
<Trigger_Message>purchase the Ultor_Yacht for $500,000</Trigger_Message>
Ok, This is our starting point. We will have to find the file that houses the coordinates
for all the assets like the clothing and cash then we will have to change them.
The asset coordinates are contained in a file called 'cribs_sr2_city.cts'
so we can open that up next and search for our assets. *To find these files check:
Looking at the code above we see that our assets use the $YT_Ultor trigger code so that is what
we will search for.
we find our first mention under the Navpoints section.
$Navpoint: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <-1883.014038 -4.742876 -433.236572>
$Orient: [2.377324]
$Navpoint: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_weapons"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <-1860.769043 -4.500000 -438.497162>
$Orient: [3.077324]
$Navpoint: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_clothes"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1228.80 34.172 -230.668>
$Orient: [-1.246697]
$Navpoint: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_cash"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <-1855.786865 -4.460681 -441.764606>
$Orient: [0.765659]
$Navpoint: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_clipboard"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <-1861.567505 -4.500000 -429.182587>
$Navpoint: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_tv"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <-1875.473511 -5.350000 -434.662659>
$Orient: [0.123456]
$Navpoint: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_purchase"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <-1838.393311 -4.500000 -439.214569>
$Orient: [2.377324]
There is also a mention of the same assets under the Trigger Code.
$Trigger: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_weapons"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "crib weapons"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_weapons"
$Box size: -0.800000 0.000000 -0.600000 0.800000 2.000000 0.600000
+Ignore Vehicles
$Trigger: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_clothes"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "crib clothing"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_clothes"
$Box size: -1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
$Trigger: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_cash"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "cash pickup"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_cash"
$Box size: -0.450000 0.000000 -0.500000 0.450000 2.000000 0.500000
+Ignore Vehicles
$Trigger: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_clipboard"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "crib clipbool"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_clipboard"
$Box size: -1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
$Trigger: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_tv"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "crib television trigger"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_tv"
$Box size: -1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
$Trigger: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_purchase"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "crib purchase"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "cribs_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_purchase"
$Box size: -1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
The trigger code doesn't need to be touched but the coordinates up in the navpoint code need to be changed.
(They are already set to the Claflin numbers.)
Note: We are only moving a safe house not creating one, so don't try to change the name or the
trigger code. You can change the 'purchase the Ultor_Yacht for $500,000' message in the cribs.xtbl file
as well as the price and if you set the <Locked>true</Locked> line to false it will be open at the start of the game. But you will still have to purchase it later.
That covers the very basics.
Things will get only slightly more complicated when you move the garage. The garage
data is stored in two files: 'garage_sr2_city.cts' and 'garage_sr2_city.xtbl'.
Open the garage_sr2_city.xtbl file and search for YT_Ultor. You will find:
The first time you see this entry the garage will hold boats. These entries have been changed to
set it to a car garage. (The reason I am not including the original code is that I don't have a copy
of the clean files installed at the moment.)
The Inside_Trigger is where the cars spawn and the foot trigger is where you stand. Open the
garage_sr2_city.cts file and search for YT_Ultor and under the Navpoints section you will find:
Once again these coordinates are already changed to the Claflin location.
In the triggers section you have:
Again, there is no need to mess with the Triggers section of the file.
Now we have our safe house, assets and Car garage moved, is there anything else? Yes there is
we need to build a Helicopter garage.
The first thing you have to know when building a garage is that it should be connected to a property
or else the game won't know when to make it available. This one is tied to the YT_Ultor property
(now on Mt. Claflin) and will require editing three files. 'cribs.xtbl', 'garage_sr2_city.cts' and
Here is the modded YT_Ultor script from cribs.xtbl:
I have changed the Purchase script entries but the only part that concerns us right now is the part
under <Garages>. There is the original garage, now converted from boats to cars, and also our new
helicopter garage.
Here is the Navpoints part of the garage_sr2_city.cts file:
Notice that I have commented the code to tell me which garage is which. I did this because
after a while of not seeing my code I can forget what I did and why.
Here is the triggers portion of the same file:
Now we look at the code in garage_sr2_city.xtbl
All I did here was copy the YT_Ultor entry and change the pertinent values.
Now all you need to do is drop your files in the modders directory, recompile and
drop in the game directory.
data is stored in two files: 'garage_sr2_city.cts' and 'garage_sr2_city.xtbl'.
Open the garage_sr2_city.xtbl file and search for YT_Ultor. You will find:
<Type>crib valet</Type>
The first time you see this entry the garage will hold boats. These entries have been changed to
set it to a car garage. (The reason I am not including the original code is that I don't have a copy
of the clean files installed at the moment.)
The Inside_Trigger is where the cars spawn and the foot trigger is where you stand. Open the
garage_sr2_city.cts file and search for YT_Ultor and under the Navpoints section you will find:
$Navpoint: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_inside"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1260.74 33.04 -259.50>
$Navpoint: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_foot"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1266.48 32.482 -258.573>
$Orient: [-0.839081]
Once again these coordinates are already changed to the Claflin location.
In the triggers section you have:
$Trigger: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_inside"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "save vehicle"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 500
$Start nav: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_inside"
$Box size: -6.400000 0.000000 -4.550000 6.400000 4.600000 4.550000
+Ignore On Foot
$Trigger: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_foot"
$Trigger type: "sphere"
$Trigger action: "garage enter"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 500
$Start nav: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_foot"
$Sphere radius: 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
Again, there is no need to mess with the Triggers section of the file.
Now we have our safe house, assets and Car garage moved, is there anything else? Yes there is
we need to build a Helicopter garage.
The first thing you have to know when building a garage is that it should be connected to a property
or else the game won't know when to make it available. This one is tied to the YT_Ultor property
(now on Mt. Claflin) and will require editing three files. 'cribs.xtbl', 'garage_sr2_city.cts' and
Here is the modded YT_Ultor script from cribs.xtbl:
<DisplayName>Ultor Yacht</DisplayName>
<Trigger_Message>purchase the Claflin Compound for $50,000</Trigger_Message>
I have changed the Purchase script entries but the only part that concerns us right now is the part
under <Garages>. There is the original garage, now converted from boats to cars, and also our new
helicopter garage.
Here is the Navpoints part of the garage_sr2_city.cts file:
// Car Garage
$Navpoint: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_inside"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1260.74 33.04 -259.50>
$Orient: [3.15]
$Navpoint: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_foot"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1266.48 32.482 -258.573>
$Orient: [1.55]
// YT_Heli
$Navpoint: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_Heli_inside"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1234.80 32.585 -268.165>
$Orient: [3.15]
$Navpoint: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_Heli_foot"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1246.9 32.123 -266.85>
$Orient: [1.55]
Notice that I have commented the code to tell me which garage is which. I did this because
after a while of not seeing my code I can forget what I did and why.
Here is the triggers portion of the same file:
// YT Car
$Trigger: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_inside"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "save vehicle"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 500
$Start nav: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_inside"
$Box size: -6.400000 0.000000 -4.550000 6.400000 4.600000 4.550000
+Ignore On Foot
$Trigger: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_foot"
$Trigger type: "sphere"
$Trigger action: "garage enter"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 500
$Start nav: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_ultor_foot"
$Sphere radius: 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
// YT_Heli
$Trigger: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_Heli_inside"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "save vehicle"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 500
$Start nav: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_Heli_inside"
$Box size: -6.400000 0.000000 -4.550000 6.400000 4.600000 4.550000
+Ignore On Foot
$Trigger: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_Heli_foot"
$Trigger type: "sphere"
$Trigger action: "garage enter"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 500
$Start nav: "garage_sr2_city_$YT_Heli_foot"
$Sphere radius: 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
Now we look at the code in garage_sr2_city.xtbl
<Type>crib valet</Type>
<Type>crib helipad</Type>
All I did here was copy the YT_Ultor entry and change the pertinent values.
Now all you need to do is drop your files in the modders directory, recompile and
drop in the game directory.
If You want to stop there fine, but I am creating the Claflin compound therefore
I have a few more things to add.
A fast food marker
a car lot
a shortcut to a bar
a shortcut to a casino
For the fast food marker all I did was move the coordinates to Phuc Mi Phuc Yue
from inside the mall. This will cause the camera to have to adjust itself. It
doesn't bother me so it's not a high priority to be fixed.)
Here is our entry from the 'shops_sr2_city_navpoints.cts' file:
These coordinates will have to be changed. So open 'shops_sr2_city.cts' and search ma_phuc
you will find:
We don't need to change the clerk's position because the camera will focus on the shop location
in the mall. All we have to change is the $ma_phuc_store. (The coordinates are already changed.
This puts a marker on Mt. Claflin. But you still have to go to the mall to buy the property
(again not a high priority to be fixed at the moment.)
I create a lot of custom cars so I have repurposed the Stilwater Scrapyard to sell them.
and I wanted my car lot up on Claflin instead of me having to go all the way down the map.
so I just moved to coordinates: (The Navpoints section)
Here are the entries from shops_sr2_city.cts:
Nothing in the triggers section needs to be touched.
This is from shop_names.xtbl:
The only thing that should be changed here is the Localized Name line.
This is from shops_sr2_city.xtbl:
Nothing here needs to be changed. If you try changing the name line it will cause problems.
Remember we are just moving assets we are not building them from scratch. That means you will not be able to
purchase this business until after the last brotherhood mission. (I will change that later but for now
not high priority.)
I have a few more things to add.
A fast food marker
a car lot
a shortcut to a bar
a shortcut to a casino
For the fast food marker all I did was move the coordinates to Phuc Mi Phuc Yue
from inside the mall. This will cause the camera to have to adjust itself. It
doesn't bother me so it's not a high priority to be fixed.)
Here is our entry from the 'shops_sr2_city_navpoints.cts' file:
<Name>MA Phuc</Name>
These coordinates will have to be changed. So open 'shops_sr2_city.cts' and search ma_phuc
you will find:
$Navpoint: "shops_sr2_city_$MA_phuc_clerk"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <128.797256 -14.355000 -1547.698242>
$Orient: [-1.053038]
$Navpoint: "shops_sr2_city_$MA_phuc_store"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1261.653 32.702 -288.77>
We don't need to change the clerk's position because the camera will focus on the shop location
in the mall. All we have to change is the $ma_phuc_store. (The coordinates are already changed.
This puts a marker on Mt. Claflin. But you still have to go to the mall to buy the property
(again not a high priority to be fixed at the moment.)
I create a lot of custom cars so I have repurposed the Stilwater Scrapyard to sell them.
and I wanted my car lot up on Claflin instead of me having to go all the way down the map.
so I just moved to coordinates: (The Navpoints section)
Here are the entries from shops_sr2_city.cts:
$Navpoint: "shops_sr2_city_$DK_scrapyard_own"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1265.57 32.32 -252.92>
$Orient: [90.0]
$Navpoint: "shops_sr2_city_$DK_scrapyard_car"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1255.051 32.912 -242.96>
$Orient: [90.0]
$Navpoint: "shops_sr2_city_$DK_scrapyard_store"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1259.94 32.35 -241.98>
$Orient: [45.0]
$Navpoint: "shops_sr2_city_$DK_scrapyard_cam1"
$Type: "floating"
$Pos: <-606.748657 13.593203 1632.064819>
$Orient: [<-0.70710 0 0.70710> <-0.18301 0.96592 -0.18301> <-0.68301 -0.25881 -0.68301>]
Nothing in the triggers section needs to be touched.
This is from shop_names.xtbl:
<Category>Shop Names</Category>
<Localized_Name>CLAFLIN AUTOS</Localized_Name>
The only thing that should be changed here is the Localized Name line.
This is from shops_sr2_city.xtbl:
<Name>DK Stilwater Scrapyard</Name>
Nothing here needs to be changed. If you try changing the name line it will cause problems.
Remember we are just moving assets we are not building them from scratch. That means you will not be able to
purchase this business until after the last brotherhood mission. (I will change that later but for now
not high priority.)
Lastly I want to build a bar and casino, but that is not possible at the moment so I had to settle for
creating a teleport to the Huntersfield hotel since it contains both.
Ok this requires editing 1 file. It is a file that we will create ourselves. I call mine Miscreant.cts
(remember that you will have to add this file to the proper section of your 'sr2_city.cts' file.)
Once you have created a simple blank Text file put these entries in it:
(This code creates a warp that will take you to the hotel and then bring you back.)
creating a teleport to the Huntersfield hotel since it contains both.
Ok this requires editing 1 file. It is a file that we will create ourselves. I call mine Miscreant.cts
(remember that you will have to add this file to the proper section of your 'sr2_city.cts' file.)
Once you have created a simple blank Text file put these entries in it:
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// ========================
// ====== ELEVATORS ======
// ========================
// Huntersfield
$Navpoint: "huntersfield_out"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1268.50 32.02 -240.60>
$Orient: [4.70]
$Navpoint: "huntersfield_in"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <142.81 -3.22 1457.52>
$Orient: [4.55]
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// ========================
// ====== ELEVATORS ======
// ========================
// Huntersfield
$Trigger: "huntersfield_in"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "warp"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "huntersfield_in"
$Box size: -1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
+Warp Nav: "huntersfield_out"
$Trigger: "huntersfield_out"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "warp"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "huntersfield_out"
$Box size: -1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
+Warp Nav: "huntersfield_in"
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
#Spawn NPC Regions
// -------
// -------
#Action Nodes
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
#Chunk Streaming Test Cases
// -------
// -------
// -------
// ----------
#DSP Regions
// ----------
// -------------
#Audio Cluders
// -------------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
// -------
(This code creates a warp that will take you to the hotel and then bring you back.)
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