
These files are found in the customize_item.vpp_pc.

The names are generated in a special way, based on the base item in customize_items.xml and the male mesh file name, then the variant index.

It works like so: (not real code)
hash1 = crc32(Customization_Item.Name)
hash2 = crc32(Customization_Item.Wear_Options.Wear_Option.Mesh_Information.Male_Mesh_Filename.Filename)
final_hash = 0
final_hash |= (hash1 << 16) & 0xFFFF0000
final_hash |= (hash2 << 0) & 0x0000FFFF
final_hash += variant_index // 1-based, so the first variant adds 1
male_filename = format("custmesh_%d.str2_pc", final_hash)
female_filename = format("custmesh_%df.str2_pc", final_hash)

Attached is a list of all of customization items along side their streaming file names, in the base game.


Names dont seem to match any that I have for my game. Tried 10 from the list and 10 from my files and none match.
Shouldn't make a difference but I have the Australian Version.
Edit: Just did a quick test.
My Version: 
cm_lln_eyes_m_dsunglasses                                                                          cm_psf_lbdy_m_bshorts
  CUST_WEAR_NORMAL                                                                                  CUST_WEAR_NORMAL
    CUST_VARIANT_01_DEFAULT                                                                       CUST_VARIANT_01_DEFAULT
      custmesh_369941290.str2_pc                                                                      custmesh_1452870665.str2.pc
     ???.str2_pc (unable to find)                                                                            ???.str2_pc (unable to find)

Your Version
cm_lln_eyes_m_dsunglasses                                                                          cm_psf_lbdy_m_bshorts
  CUST_WEAR_NORMAL                                                                                  CUST_WEAR_NORMAL
    CUST_VARIANT_01_DEFAULT                                                                       CUST_VARIANT_01_DEFAULT
      custmesh_369899021.str2_pc                                                                     custmesh_1452881421.str2_pc
        custmesh_369899021f.str2_pc                                                                  custmesh_1452881421f.str2_pc
Actually found a Male Female Combo unlike the rest.
My Version:

Your Version:
Thank you Rick for taking the time in creating this list. :cool:

I am also having the same problem when looking for the files in the customize_item.vpp_pc

I noticed that most of the file names listed in the customization_item_streaming_filenames.txt are not in the customize_item.vpp_pc

For example;
customization_item_streaming_filenames.txt ______________________ customize_item.vpp_pc

I have the Steam Version of Saints Row The Third purchased in New York City, U.S.A. from a store on April 20, 2012 that has been updated (or patched ) by Steam a few times so my game is fully updated.

Could it be that these Steam updates have changed the files in the customize_item.vpp_pc , thus causing the files on the list to be outdated or non current with the latest updates ?

If so, would there be a current list of the customization_item_streaming_filenames ?

There are 1,254 cutmesh_*.str2_pc files in the customize_item.vpp_pc after decompressing with the Gibbed.SaintsRow3.UnpackVPP.exe
( :eek: too many .str2_pc files to unpack one at a time ).

Is there a faster way to unpack all those .str2_pc files by creating a .bat or .cmd file that would run the Gibbed.SaintsRow3.UnpackSTR2.exe therefore unpacking all the cutmesh_*.str2_pc files within the folder containing them ?

I thank you for any advice, tips or guidance offered.:D