Custom Heights


This mod will allow you to change the Height of your character in inch increments to any Height from 5ft to 7ft!

These Heights use mathematically correct values. Therefore, they are different to the custom heights provided by Gentlemen Of The Row, as GotR's height values are estimates. (eg: GotR's 5ft is actually 5ft 6".)

Saints Row 2 was built for a 6ft Playa. Changing the height of your character may exhibit strange interactions with Props in cutscenes.
However, Cutscene Patch (by Spadita and myself) includes fixes for most of these issues.



This mod also includes a fix for an animations bug which exists in the PC Port of Saints Row 2:

When you change the sex of your character to Female, the game assigns a set of feminine animations to the Playa.​
However, the effects of this do not save in the PC Port, meaning whenever you load into an existing save, you will be made to use the default masculine animations.​

With the files this mod provides, you can force the game to load either the Male or Female animation set whenever you load into a save!

(Credit: BandiG for coming up with the original fix for this. This mod implements the fix slightly differently, to work with Custom Heights.)


Gentlemen Of The Row):
1. COPY a "StyleTest_PC..." file from any folder you choose.
2. PASTE into "Gentlemen_of_the_Row_Saints_Row_2_Super_Mod_v1.9.2\optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE".
3. Rebuild your Gentlemen Of The Row custom patch by double-clicking "Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat" and following the instructions.
4. Move the newly created contents of "MY_CUSTOM_PATCH" into your Saints Row 2 root folder (Where SR2_pc.exe is located.).
5. Launch Saint's Row 2 and enjoy the world from new heights!

(via SR2ModManager):
1. COPY either a "StyleTest_PC..." file, or the subfolder which it is contained in.
2. PASTE into "SR2ModManager_v2.07\mods".
3. Run "SR2ModManager.exe" and tick the file/folder you just copied over.
4. Compile your "patch.vpp_pc" and move it from "SR2ModManager_v2.07\patch_vpp_pc_new" into your Saint's Row 2 root directory (Where SR2_pc.exe is located).
5. Launch Saint's Row 2 and enjoy the world from new heights!

-"Gentlemen Of The Row" by IdolNinja (& Co.)​
-"SR2ModManager" by Masamaru​

Unzipped Folder Size: 27.8 KB


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Omg wow man thank you for making this mod. I already know how to change character height but having a accurate adjustment is a bonus💖🔥

Just one thing though: I wish you had gone beyond the 7ft tall height because their are some characters that I want to make that are around 8ft-9ft tall, so maybe you could update this in the future. my personal experience with changing height in SR2 was I noticed that if the player is below 6ft tall, he/she will have their body levitate above ground during a cutscene, and if he/she is tall, the legs clip through the floor during a cutscene, but other than that, this mod is perfect.
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Omg wow man thank you for making this mod. I already know how to change character height but having a accurate adjustment is a bonus💖🔥

Just one thing though: I wish you had gone beyond the 7ft tall height because their are some characters that I want to make that are around 8ft-9ft tall, so maybe you could update this in the future. my personal experience with changing height in SR2 was I noticed that if the player is below 6ft tall, he/she will have their body levitate above ground during a cutscene, and if he/she is tall, the legs clip through the floor during a cutscene, but other than that, this mod is perfect.
Thanks, Axle!

Heights in this mod only range from 5ft to 7ft because otherwise the Playa's overall size begins to look too unnatural. There's also the issue of clipping with doors, and various cutscene issues, as you've mentioned.
Cutscene Patch v1.2 fixes most Cutscene Issues with Custom Heights, but not the feet issue, sadly.

The maths for heights are pretty simple:
6ft = 1.0​
Using a calculator;
Divide that by 6 to get the value equivalent to 1ft.
Divide that by 12 to get the value equivalent to 1 inch.​
You can then add/multiply these values to achieve the height you desire!

(I will include these instructions in that NPC guide I keep mentioning I'll do at some point.)

You can even make your character taller than buildings! Although there does come a point where things start to become unstable. Movement animations also won't be synched well.
Here's a screenshot of an old mod feature I was working on a long time ago:
It's even possible to invert your character height by putting a minus in front of the height value! (Will also invert textures):