Custom Main Menus for Mods

Another update on how the progress is going :), I deffo want video now I want more clips tho and have them having fading into each other and a shorter length clip for each, im also thinking I might add a colour overlay to the video
I know the Video is not very good quality as I cant run every thing at full settings so im going to need to find someone with a good rig that can get me some footage, also ignore the whole text on the video Icant find my lead for elgato atm so I used a trial to record with for test purposes
So once it is done your going to release the one that has the player walking like that in the back ground .So will it be our character that we customized or something else because if you are able to some how make it that our character that we customized be walking like that then dam your asome. But i don't think you know what i am talking about i am hard to figure out and i dont think i even made sense lol.
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i LOVE the idea of having short clips on the background, and the smoky background looks awesome!
Thank you :), im working on more montage style videos atm ill prob work 1 or 2 of them into backgrounds at some point
and they are clouds with a colour overlay, its same as Volition use for theyr trailers :P, but I had to get rid of them as they render realy badly due to the gradient colour :(, evan tho the image is like 1900px, iv evan renderd my own from scratch and it still wont render so im using the same background as this site and the Deep silver SRIV website uses :P
any plans for new custom menus i see nobody has been posting on this forum for a while now.i think this forum is dead because i haven't seen no body post or respond to my post here for quite a while.
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