Custom Music On the Radio (Or on ANYTHING for that matter).

Hello. This thread is dedicated to a mod that not only me, but millions of people out there that probably don't even know about this website want.

To make things clear, the guide ToadKing made was not working for me. I have tried and tried to use the Gib Tools, but every time I double click on a exe, nothing pops up, except for a cmd window that lasts for a split second. Also, he never clued me in on which exe of Gib tools to use for which part ( I have no clue on how I would even type in the commands to work them even if they did stay up and did not disappear in a split second. ). ToadKing's guide was very, very confusing to me, a person with no knowledge in file digging and editing, file extracting, nor code knowledge. I am pretty sure that there is a big majority of people without that knowledge either.

All I can tell you mod-makers is that I am sick and tired of always minimizing my SR3 to click replay on a song on YouTube, or to restart my playlist on media player, or tending to iTunes. I want a simple way of playing my music in-game.
*NOTE: I am going to say "MP3 File" as an example in these lists, but it can be any type of music file you want it to be. I have no problem with music file converting if necessary.

If You Do It On A Car
-It does not HAVE to be a separate whole new radio station in the car.
-It does not HAVE to be anything complicated that you cannot do.
-It can replace songs that already exist on a radio station.
-its does not HAVE to change the name of the song in-game if it does replace it.
-It absolutely does NOT in ANY WAY have to be related to the GTA custom music ability.

If You Do As A "Music Plays In Or Out Of A Vehicle" Option
-It can minimize the whole game to bring up a "Browse Computer Files for the MP3" Menu.
-It can replace or disable any feature in game that you need it to.
-If it messes around with the game's performance in any way, I do not care.
-It can bring up an in-game menu to find the mp3 file.
-It can be riddled with bugs that you don't want to fix, I will deal with it gladly.
-You do not need to make ANY textures for the music player if you do not want to put them on there. ( By that I meant you do not need to put a fancy border around the menu, or even give the letters a fancy font or color.)
-It can occupy and or replace any mechanic in the game that already exists.
Supporter Requests (You can add these suggestions or not, your call)
-SpoonTheMan: Is it possible to have the name of the song show on-screen when it starts while playing the game and using foobar2000?
All I am trying to convey to you is that it can be ANYTHING! If you make a music playing mod that just screams "I DID NOT EVEN TRY WHEN MAKING THIS", I will take it. I will wait for any amount of time for you to make this mod.

Thank you for your time.
Yeah I'm having the same problem you are with Gibbed's Tools. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling .NET Framework 4.0 and that didn't help.
Thank you for agreeing with me, your support is much appreciated! Sad to say it has been 2 months and no modder has taken this request up. :(
I know that toadking's way is actually possible, but the request is for an alternative radio music replacement mod. It can be in-game or out-of-game.