Hi there,
because a lot of people (me included) had some trouble with custom radio stations, I wrote this little script for playing your own music without minimizing the game or replacing the ingame songs.
The program is written in Autoit, so if you don't trust .exe files a random user uploaded with his first post, you can copy and paste the source code into an autoit script file and compile it (see http://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/ )
Ho to use:
1. Extract the .zip anywhere on your computer
2. create at this location some folder (your radio stations) and place your music files inside them
3. execute the program, assign the hotkeys or leave them blank if you don't need the feature.
4. Hit „start“ and have fun^^
5. If you want to exit the program, right click the little Radio.exe icon in the taskbar and close it
I strongly recommend to use your "jump-out-of-your-car" key to stop the music, so the music will pause when you exit a vehicle, if you want to turn the radio on, press you next/previous station key.
if you want to use the same keys as in Saints Row, you should set your ingame music volume to 0
if you find bugs, errors or have questions or feature requests, don't hesitate to comment
I tried to display the current station/song, but until now I couldn't find a solution
Known issues:
-if some mp3 songs aren't playing,the reason is most likely the cover-art. you can easily remove them (I use this one, other programs should work too http://www.chip.de/downloads/TagScanner_13010651.html ); (detailed instruction below)
-I'm not sure which file types are fully supported, but at least my mp3, wav and wma files are working fine
-if a radio station isn't working, make sure to have at least 2 files in each one, otherwise they won't work
-subfolders won't be recognized
How to Remove the mp3 Art
0. Place alle files in their radio stations
1. drag&drop all folders in the main window and press ctrl+a or mark all songs
2. klick on „tag-editor“ in the headline
3. scroll at the right side down until you see the headline „Embedded Art“ and hit the „clear field“ button
4. save your files
see the pictrue for more help
Added Hotkey-Funktion to exit program; f1-f12 and esc should now be recognized too
because a lot of people (me included) had some trouble with custom radio stations, I wrote this little script for playing your own music without minimizing the game or replacing the ingame songs.
The program is written in Autoit, so if you don't trust .exe files a random user uploaded with his first post, you can copy and paste the source code into an autoit script file and compile it (see http://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/ )
Ho to use:
1. Extract the .zip anywhere on your computer
2. create at this location some folder (your radio stations) and place your music files inside them
3. execute the program, assign the hotkeys or leave them blank if you don't need the feature.
4. Hit „start“ and have fun^^
5. If you want to exit the program, right click the little Radio.exe icon in the taskbar and close it
I strongly recommend to use your "jump-out-of-your-car" key to stop the music, so the music will pause when you exit a vehicle, if you want to turn the radio on, press you next/previous station key.
if you want to use the same keys as in Saints Row, you should set your ingame music volume to 0
if you find bugs, errors or have questions or feature requests, don't hesitate to comment
I tried to display the current station/song, but until now I couldn't find a solution
Known issues:
-if some mp3 songs aren't playing,the reason is most likely the cover-art. you can easily remove them (I use this one, other programs should work too http://www.chip.de/downloads/TagScanner_13010651.html ); (detailed instruction below)
-I'm not sure which file types are fully supported, but at least my mp3, wav and wma files are working fine
-if a radio station isn't working, make sure to have at least 2 files in each one, otherwise they won't work
-subfolders won't be recognized
How to Remove the mp3 Art
0. Place alle files in their radio stations
1. drag&drop all folders in the main window and press ctrl+a or mark all songs
2. klick on „tag-editor“ in the headline
3. scroll at the right side down until you see the headline „Embedded Art“ and hit the „clear field“ button
4. save your files
see the pictrue for more help
Added Hotkey-Funktion to exit program; f1-f12 and esc should now be recognized too
#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoIt Version:
Author: Inori
Script Function:
Custom Radio Station Program
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiButton.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
#include <file.au3>
#include <array.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <Sound.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
$inst_path = (@ScriptDir & "\")
$label_width = 195
$label_height = 19
$xPos = 5
$xPos2 = $xPos + $label_width
$yPos = 5
$i = 0
$zeilen_counter = 1
$hotkey_next = 0
$sound = 0
$standard = True
If FileExists("Settings.txt") Then $standard = False
While 1
$gui = GUICreate("Main", 400, (8) * ($label_height + 1) + 10, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_BORDER))
Global $hotkey_exit = InputCreation("Hotkey - Exit the Program", "ESC")
Global $hotkey_next = InputCreation("Hotkey - Next Radio Station", "c")
Global $hotkey_previous = InputCreation("Hotkey - Previous Radio Station", "x")
Global $hotkey_stop = InputCreation("Hotkey - Stop Music", "e")
Global $hotkey_increase = InputCreation("Hotkey - Increase Radio Volume", "p")
Global $hotkey_decrease = InputCreation("Hotkey - Decrease Radio Volume", "o")
Global $volume = InputCreation("Standard Volume: 0-100", "50")
;global $ingame_title= CheckboxCreation("Show Song Title Ingame","False")
$button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", $xPos, $yPos, $label_width * 2 / 3, $label_height)
$button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", $xPos2 * 2 / 3 + $xPos * 2 / 3, $yPos, $label_width * 2 / 3, $label_height)
$button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Reset", $xPos2 * 4 / 3 + $xPos * 2 / 3, $yPos, $label_width * 2 / 3, $label_height)
While 1 * Sleep(50)
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
Case $msg = $button Or _IsPressed("0D");start
$hotkey_exit = guictrlread($hotkey_exit)
if $hotkey_exit="f1" Then $hotkey_exit="{f1}"
if $hotkey_exit="f2" Then $hotkey_exit="{f2}"
if $hotkey_exit="f3" Then $hotkey_exit="{f3}"
if $hotkey_exit="f4" Then $hotkey_exit="{f4}"
if $hotkey_exit="f5" Then $hotkey_exit="{f5}"
if $hotkey_exit="f6" Then $hotkey_exit="{f6}"
if $hotkey_exit="f7" Then $hotkey_exit="{f7}"
if $hotkey_exit="f8" Then $hotkey_exit="{f8}"
if $hotkey_exit="f9" Then $hotkey_exit="{f9}"
if $hotkey_exit="f10" Then $hotkey_exit="{f10}"
if $hotkey_exit="f11" Then $hotkey_exit="{f11}"
if $hotkey_exit="f12" Then $hotkey_exit="{f12}"
if $hotkey_exit="esc" Then $hotkey_exit="{ESC}"
$hotkey_next = hotkeys($hotkey_next)
$hotkey_previous = hotkeys($hotkey_previous)
$hotkey_stop = hotkeys($hotkey_stop)
$hotkey_increase = hotkeys($hotkey_increase)
$hotkey_decrease = hotkeys($hotkey_decrease)
$volume = hotkeys($volume)
;$ingame_title= GUICtrlRead($ingame_title)
ExitLoop (2)
Case $msg = $button2 ;Cancel
Case $msg = $button3 ;Reset
$standard = True
$label_width = 195
$label_height = 19
$xPos = 5
$xPos2 = $xPos + $label_width
$yPos = 5
$i = 0
$zeilen_counter = 1
HotKeySet($hotkey_exit, "MainExit")
$Stations = _FileListToArray($inst_path, "*", 2)
$stations_count = $Stations[0]
$current_station = 1
$playing = False
While 1 * Sleep(50)
Case _IsPressed($hotkey_next)
If $playing = False Then
$playing = True
$current_station = $current_station + 1
If $current_station > $stations_count Then $current_station = 1
Case _IsPressed($hotkey_previous)
If $playing = False Then
$playing = True
$current_station = $current_station - 1
If $current_station < 1 Then $current_station = $stations_count
Case _IsPressed($hotkey_stop)
$playing = False
Case _IsPressed($hotkey_decrease)
$volume = $volume - 5
If $volume < 0 Then $volume = 0
Case _IsPressed($hotkey_increase)
$volume = $volume + 5
If $volume > 100 Then $volume = 100
if $playing = True and _SoundStatus($sound)=("stopped") Then play($current_station)
Func play($station_number)
$files = _FileListToArray($inst_path & $Stations[$station_number] & "\", "*")
$random = Random(1, $files[0], 1)
ConsoleWrite("Station: " & $station_number & "Song: " & $random & @CRLF)
if $playing = True and _SoundStatus($sound)=("stopped") Then
$sound = _SoundOpen($inst_path & $Stations[$station_number] & "\" & $files[$random])
if $new_track=True Then
_SoundSeek($sound, "", "", Random(1, 59, 1))
;if $ingame_title=$gui_checked then SplashTextOn("Splash",$Stations[$station_number]&" :"&$files[$random], 700, 30, -1, 10, 33)
$splash = 0
EndFunc ;==>play
Func hotkeys($temp)
If GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("a") Then
$temp = ("41")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("b") Then
$temp = ("42")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("c") Then
$temp = ("43")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("d") Then
$temp = ("44")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("e") Then
$temp = ("45")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f") Then
$temp = ("46")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("g") Then
$temp = ("47")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("h") Then
$temp = ("48")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("i") Then
$temp = ("49")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("j") Then
$temp = ("4A")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("k") Then
$temp = ("4B")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("l") Then
$temp = ("4C")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("m") Then
$temp = ("4D")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("n") Then
$temp = ("4E")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("o") Then
$temp = ("4F")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("p") Then
$temp = ("50")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("q") Then
$temp = ("51")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("r") Then
$temp = ("52")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("s") Then
$temp = ("53")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("t") Then
$temp = ("54")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("u") Then
$temp = ("55")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("v") Then
$temp = ("56")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("w") Then
$temp = ("57")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("x") Then
$temp = ("58")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("y") Then
$temp = ("59")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("z") Then
$temp = ("5A")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("0") Then
$temp = ("30")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("1") Then
$temp = ("31")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("2") Then
$temp = ("32")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("3") Then
$temp = ("33")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("4") Then
$temp = ("34")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("5") Then
$temp = ("35")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("6") Then
$temp = ("36")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("7") Then
$temp = ("37")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("8") Then
$temp = ("38")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("9") Then
$temp = ("39")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f1") Then
$temp = ("70")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f2") Then
$temp = ("71")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f3") Then
$temp = ("72")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f4") Then
$temp = ("73")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f5") Then
$temp = ("74")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f6") Then
$temp = ("75")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f7") Then
$temp = ("76")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f8") Then
$temp = ("77")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f9") Then
$temp = ("78")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f10") Then
$temp = ("79")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f11") Then
$temp = ("7A")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("f12") Then
$temp = ("7B")
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = ("ESC") Then
$temp = ("1B")
$temp = "not_assigned"
Return ($temp)
EndFunc ;==>hotkeys
Func write($temp)
If GUICtrlRead($temp) = $gui_checked Then
$i = "True"
FileWrite("Settings.txt", ($i) & @CRLF)
ElseIf GUICtrlRead($temp) = $gui_unchecked Then
$i = "False"
FileWrite("Settings.txt", ($i) & @CRLF)
FileWrite("Settings.txt", GUICtrlRead($temp) & @CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>write
Func CheckboxCreation($displayed_text, $standard_value)
GUICtrlCreateLabel($displayed_text, $xPos, $yPos, $label_width, $label_height)
$temp = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $xPos2, $yPos, 0, 20)
If $standard = False Then
If FileReadLine("Settings.txt", $zeilen_counter) = "True" Then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $gui_checked)
If $standard_value = "True" Then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $gui_checked)
$yPos = $yPos + $label_height + 1
$zeilen_counter = $zeilen_counter + 1
Return $temp
EndFunc ;==>CheckboxCreation
Func InputCreation($displayed_text, $standard_value)
GUICtrlCreateLabel($displayed_text, $xPos, $yPos, $label_width, $label_height)
If $standard = False Then
$temp = GUICtrlCreateInput(FileReadLine("Settings.txt", $zeilen_counter), $xPos2, $yPos, $label_width, $label_height)
$temp = GUICtrlCreateInput($standard_value, $xPos2, $yPos, $label_width, $label_height)
$yPos = $yPos + $label_height + 1
$zeilen_counter = $zeilen_counter + 1
Return $temp
EndFunc ;==>InputCreation
Func MainExit()
EndFunc ;==>MainExit