[V] IdolNinja
Volition Staff
I'm kind of stuck on step 14.
"Okay we're getting near the end! Find the metadata file you created with bnk_pc_extractor and open it up. Scroll down to the files you want to replace and change the filenames after the number to the ones you want to replace. For example, if you're replacing radio_swim_media_00005.wav, "00005: radio_swim_media_00005.wav" would change to "00005: mysong.wav". DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE! Then fire up your command line again and run bnk_pc_packer to pack up your new radio station .bnk_pc file. the bnk_pc_packer program works like this:"
Can somebody be more specific what this "command line" is? I am up to the point where I am dragging and dropping my metafile onto the packer, and nothing appears to happen. It flashes in the corner of the screen, and that is it.
Some help would be appreciated!
Here's an example batch file that I created to repack the genx bank:
bnk_pc_packer radio_genx_media.txt radio_genx_media.bnk_pc
the 3 parts of the command are 1) the packer executable, 2) the txt file you changed with your new file names, and 3) the output modified bank name with your new songs in it. i.e. the original bank name.
I throw the pause in at the end so I can confirm that it did what it was supposed to. Otherwise the command prompt will just close automatically.