So how did you do this then, Yue? Did you make a new bank or something for these? (can we even do that yet?) Did you just make a new station xtbl and split which songs are on which station? And if so, did What I Got move or not?
(it does answer my wonder though if the real song played in the background or if a special instrumental version did though)
As for the singalong tags, I *think* they're in case your character has pre-recorded lines to sing along with.. didn't they do that in SR2, where some songs your character would sing along to while driving (not mission scripted like the first mission here, but completely random spontaneous?)
I've never actually heard it happen, but that doesn't mean it never can, they were rare back then too..
The mission we're looking at is m04.. looking over the lua (in sr3_city_0.vpp_pc/m04_modal.str2_pc) has a specific little function to call this...
function m04_play_sing_along()
-- TODO: Have Pierce and player sing along w/ radio
local test = -1
M04_convo.sing_intro.handle = audio_conversation_load(
while not (character_is_in_vehicle(LOCAL_PLAYER))do
if Clothes_Store_Reached then
test = radio_get_station(get_char_vehicle_name(LOCAL_PLAYER))
vehicle_set_radio_controls_locked(get_char_vehicle_name(LOCAL_PLAYER), true)
radio_set_station(LOCAL_PLAYER, 4)
radio_set_station(LOCAL_PLAYER, 6)
radio_set_station(LOCAL_PLAYER, 10)
test = radio_get_station(LOCAL_PLAYER)
M04_convo.sing_intro.handle = INVALID_CONVERSATION_HANDLE
-- Sing alongs are normally not allowed during missions, override that.
-- TODO: We'll need to turn this back off at the end of the mission or
-- after the sing along has ended.
-- Enable the player's sing along for this track during the mission.
-- TODO: Call radio_clear_sing_along_track to clear this when the mission
-- ends so that we don't play the sing along during regular gameplay.
radio_set_sing_along_track("MIX_Sublime___What_I_Got", "M04_SINGALONG_WM_PLAYER")
sing_along = true
and also, in function m04_cleanup()
-- Cleanup singalong
Not a lua programmer, but it looks like to make that work you'd have to change which station it sets to according to what you did, and make sure the internal name (MIX_Sublime__What_I_Got) isn't changed, nor are the special <info> blocks in the <sing_along> section declaring the sign-along tracks from misc are unchanged and packaged with the song.
It *shouldn't* care about which station it's in, provided you remember to change the station it flips to in the m04_modal str2, then save and repackage the str2 and slot it to override.