Customization menus don't respond to input

Hi, I just read IdolNinja's last post on that pinned thread, so I think this is what we're supposed to do now for bugs, if not, sorry.

Anyways, an issue I'm having is that in Image as Designed, when you go to change hairstyles, you can select a style but then when the color select comes up the game stops responding to input. It's still running, it doesn't crash, but you can't select a color or hit Esc to back out. You can click "Back" to back out, but that's it. I saw on a Steam forum thread that many others are having this issue, with eye color too for example, and also in clothing stores and Rim Jobs when customizing cars. Any help would be greatly appreciated as character customization is of course one of this game's biggest things.

Edit: Forgot to say, as far as I can tell I'm good specs-wise. I can run SR3 fine, I've got Win7 64-bit. I haven't made any modifications to anything about the game. Like I said, I've read that I'm not the only one with this issue, so I don't think specs has anything to do with it. Here's the thread anyways, lots of comments to sift through, but it's in there, amongst many "bug reports" that are really just blind idiots...
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I had a similar issue when entering a bunch of cheats in a row and constantly backing out of menus repeatedly. It's almost like I backed out too fast after about 10 of them and the message box blanked out and I couldn't enter any further text input .
Hmm, well I haven't used any cheats, so for me it's an issue that's just there, I don't do anything to trigger it. It makes it so that I can't change my hair at all, and I'm sure others are in similar situations with being stuck, not able to change things. You said you had been contacted by Volition, will they see this, or do I need to email or something for them to actually become aware of this? Thanks.
They are reading and reviewing this forum.
On the topic of Image as Designed, I noticed when I went there, the voice previews (Taunt, Compliment and voice selection) were not working for me. Anyone else have this issue?
Still the same, but I do notice "sr3_city_0.vpp_pc" and "changelist.txt" have a modify date of today, so I'm guessing already have the patch.

Also "changelist.txt" doesn't contain a list as it's file name would imply, but just a number, "1097726".

Edit: Changelog from Steam product page:

DanielG_DeepSilver_Mastering said:
[Patch Notes:]


- Fixed an error where Saints Row IV was referred to as “Saints Row Inauguration Station”.

- Adjusted a sequence in THE REAL WORLD mission to assist players who are running the game below minimum spec with low framerate.
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