Customization menus don't respond to input

I got this yesterday in my gameplay time, exactly as described in the first post. Exiting to the main menu and re-loading my latest save got me around the bug, but I haven't the faintest what caused it to occur.

If anyone gets a more reproducible case (more detail than just an "it happened to me too" at least), post here and I'll attempt to force the issue while attached to a debugger.

Hi, I have this same problem. When I am in clothing menus and I go to my wardrobe and then my outfits ( the ones I created and saved) I start to select anything but then suddenly I cannot back out of the menu. I can spin the character around and the game does not crash, but i am stuck unless i force the game to shutdown.

If I'm playing with my friend (Robin) he can get the cops/aliens to attack us inside the store and it pulls me out of the menu and the game works fine. Also if he uses telekinesis on a car and hits me with it when I tell him I am stuck in the clothing menu, it pulls me out.

This also occasionally happens in the car menus, and sometimes in both car and clothing menus, when I select colors, it won't scroll down to other colors at all. It works fine in sr3 though and my mouse works fine in everything else. It's something in the game doing it, and if you are playing with a friend, just have them get the police to attack or use tk powers on you to get out of being stuck, instead of forcing the game to close out, because that definitely is a "work around" for now, though for me the outfits tab that I create outfits for never works anymore.

Ellix. (Sorry ipad corrected your name and called you ellis) I see you post your steam name, are we allowed to add you? I could then easily show you when this happens.
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I had something similar once when completing Fraud Easy with over 2.2m (Gold was 1.7m, and i had 1.8m in one combo, while the counter was stopped, not sure if this matters). It was one time and never happened again in any mission or mini-game, but on the results screen where it shows your total and Bronze/Silver/Gold, there was no continue option (I use a gamepad so it would be "(A) Continue"). Unfortunately I had no other option but to alt-f4 because nothing worked at all (esc, clicking, keyboard mashing, gamepad button mashing, ect). I know this report isn't really helpful since it only happened once, but I figured I'd throw it in this thread because it is the closest to what happened.
I am getting this bug quite often, mostly when I enter my garage or rim jobs, I have to force shut down the game and it is becoming quite irritating and is ruining an excellent game!
have had this happen numerous times. the more i play the more i see how damn buggy this game is. its still a great game and im having a blast but jeesh!!

i noticed homies have a hard time following you in this game. idk if its a bug or just the nature of the game (you can jump 100s of feet in the air and glide like a maniac) must be a difficult a.i. task to script
I have had it happen twice on my second play through, both times just opening the phone menu itself.

This last time I had just collected the 4th data cluster and was opening to select the super jump power and it locked up.

It might have been because I had the cheats on already.
The menus that don't respond to ANYTHING for me are the color types for cars.
I can only choose Matte, although I can see the other options, for no car can I choose the others.
Also the tread type, and rim type for vehicles is the same. I can't scroll the menus or select anything besides the first options. Regardless of where I click in that menu, it selects whatever the first options it.
The menus that don't respond to ANYTHING for me are the color types for cars.
I can only choose Matte, although I can see the other options, for no car can I choose the others.
Also the tread type, and rim type for vehicles is the same. I can't scroll the menus or select anything besides the first options. Regardless of where I click in that menu, it selects whatever the first options it.
I just had the same bug, couldn't go back or exit menu, only rotate the vehicle : I had to hard quit the game with Alt-F4... :/
I got this yesterday in my gameplay time, exactly as described in the first post. Exiting to the main menu and re-loading my latest save got me around the bug, but I haven't the faintest what caused it to occur.

If anyone gets a more reproducible case (more detail than just an "it happened to me too" at least), post here and I'll attempt to force the issue while attached to a debugger.


I'm currently able to re-produce this in Friendly Fire when trying to 'upgrade' the Dildo Bat. But this could be a side effect of the current foobar'd patch. Either way it might help you if you can run the debugger on it in its current state.