I know there are other topics about it but they're pretty old and don't know if it's ok to necro them.
Anyway, here's the problem with http://deckers.die: when I get to the mission's final phase, that is, walking into the cathedral and facing Matt's avatar, I get one of these problems:
Infinite Loading
After 2/3 minutes of loading, with no cutscene whatsoever, I'm tossed halfway up the confrontation, where you must weaken Matt to rip his wings off. Then I turn into MechaDragon, I have no sword and can't harm his minions at all.
Either way I can't make it past the mission. I removed all mods, put them back in, verified cache, launched SR3 in DirectX 9 mode/windowed - nothing worked.
Short of reinstalling the whole game I can't think of a solution, any help would be appreciated
Anyway, here's the problem with http://deckers.die: when I get to the mission's final phase, that is, walking into the cathedral and facing Matt's avatar, I get one of these problems:
Infinite Loading
After 2/3 minutes of loading, with no cutscene whatsoever, I'm tossed halfway up the confrontation, where you must weaken Matt to rip his wings off. Then I turn into MechaDragon, I have no sword and can't harm his minions at all.
Either way I can't make it past the mission. I removed all mods, put them back in, verified cache, launched SR3 in DirectX 9 mode/windowed - nothing worked.
Short of reinstalling the whole game I can't think of a solution, any help would be appreciated