My next version will look more realistic. I found a site which has a demo of an animated day and night cycle written in CSS and SVG. I also clicked on the little icon on the bottom of the demo window like you see in the screenshot and it opened the site with the code. I'm wanting to use the RGB color values in the CSS code to make my next version of my Alternate Time of Day mod
I'll include the link to the CSS code here 
The link to the CSS code is here, once you get there click on the icon on the bottom left window as you see in the above screenshot and you'll get to the page with the CSS code from there you can even modify the code or change effects.
Edit:: This isn't working right at the moment. The game uses a different RGB values for the time_of_day.xtbl and this code uses an RGBA ystem which is not good at all
I did managed to get some of the RGB code from the animated day and night cycle but can't use the RGBA code Saints Row 2 don't recognize it.

The link to the CSS code is here, once you get there click on the icon on the bottom left window as you see in the above screenshot and you'll get to the page with the CSS code from there you can even modify the code or change effects.
Edit:: This isn't working right at the moment. The game uses a different RGB values for the time_of_day.xtbl and this code uses an RGBA ystem which is not good at all

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