Did THQ quit making saints row games ?

Regarding the geomod engine, I heard differently and that it stayed with RF unfortunately...
Yes I think I remember Knobby saying somewhere that Geomod as a Volition product is dead

Steve Jaros told me that Volition still has rights to Geomod tech. The only thing that was auctioned was the Red Faction IP itself. Sounds like somebody is confused.
I am confused yeah, why one employee thought one thing and another a different lol, anyway just to keep myself from looking like a COMPLETE retard this is knobbys post I was referring to:
Steve Jaros told me that Volition still has rights to Geomod tech. The only thing that was auctioned was the Red Faction IP itself. Sounds like somebody is confused.
During the run up to SRIV's release they did those live streams, people asked about GeoMod and the guys hosting it said that GeoMod couldn't return because someone else owned it. But I'm just a fan who watches stuff, you're the one talking to the staff and such.
THQ as a company no longer exists, but they never made Saints Row games, they only published them.
Does u has information about what happend to the staff from THQ? did they go to another company and stuff ?

Regarding the geomod engine, I heard differently and that it stayed with RF unfortunately...
is geomod same game engine as sr2 ?
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