Disabling DLC Cash/Respect/Etc. Bonuses

I'm going to be starting a new game with a friend and I'd like to disable all the extra bonuses the game throws at you for having all the DLC, the 'VIP' bonuses especially. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to yet.

I tried the save editor, but I quickly discovered that unchecking the bonuses doesn't actually do anything, they actually get re-enabled by the game itself and it even reapplies the bonuses to your weekly income. Disappointing - it looks like I'll have to start a new game to even have a hope of doing this.

So the trick seems to be editing unlockables.xtbl. I'd like someone to show me what I need to change, because I'm using the latest Shitface's Weapon Rebalance version and it has its own file.

Bear in mind not only do the VIP bonuses need to be disabled, it also needs to disable the automatic unlock of the original upgrades.