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Does anyone else turn their Post-Processing off? I turn it off because of how intense the bloom is, makes characters with bright skin colors look like their glowing. It's too bad too because I like the DoF.

I also have Lighting set to low because I turn it up back again from time to time and I don't really notice any difference and setting it to low gives me about a 5-10 FPS difference. Anyone else think the same? Am I just too blind to notice the difference?
yeah i do it to the MBlur kills my eyes i wish they had there own settings and not 3 combinde in to 1 setting.
yeah i do it to the MBlur kills my eyes i wish they had there own settings and not 3 combinde in to 1 setting.
Motion Blur doesn't bother me at all it's just the way HDR handles bloom. It's strange though because in Saints Row 2 the settings were separate IIRC.