Do you like how Dex was treated?

Oh... So it was Steve. Honestly, I didn't expect he'd throw Dex in such a crappy way. :p

If it was an actual full game then I might agree. Rather, it's a small standalone expansion with a much smaller scope and price point that was developed by a third party. While Gat out of Hell was a chance to tie up some loose ends story-wise, there were much larger issues at hand that needed attention within the limits of the contract. For example, coop didn't work correctly until very late in the process. The flight tutorial needed a ton of iteration before players finally understood how it worked. There were texture issues where they would start disappearing after 20 minutes of play, etc. These are the kind of huge core issues that we had to have High Voltage focus on. There simply weren't enough time and resources to create an amazing B story featuring Dex.

That's game dev. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If it was an actual full game then I might agree. Rather, it's a small standalone expansion with a much smaller scope and price point that was developed by a third party. While Gat out of Hell was a chance to tie up some loose ends story-wise, there were much larger issues at hand that needed attention within the limits of the contract. For example, coop didn't work correctly until very late in the process. The flight tutorial needed a ton of iteration before players finally understood how it worked. There were texture issues where they would start disappearing after 20 minutes of play, etc. These are the kind of huge core issues that we had to have High Voltage focus on. There simply weren't enough time and resources to create an amazing B story featuring Dex.

That's game dev. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, I'd understand that if Dex wasn't listed on GooH Steam Store page as a feature.
Well, I'd understand that if Dex wasn't listed on GooH Steam Store page as a feature.

Decisions like this are made by Marketing and not the studio itself. We have heated discussions about this kind of thing all the time. (Especially me, since I'm right in the middle between them.) For example, the studio didn't want to spoil the SR2 Shaundi surprise in SR4 or the musical number in GOOH. But, when those trailers got released, we saw preorders spike massively. Those kinds of numbers are incredibly important to the success of a title and a studio. They have a massive impact on all marketing for the game, like in-store displays, shelf space, etc. There is a much bigger picture here than most people realize (I know that I didn't before working here.)
I still wouldn't be satisfied with him being dead before the third, being killed by some assassin. I want the boss to dispose of his ass in a crushed-in-trunk or buried-alive-manner.

Nah. Do something more creative other than exploded in the cruise, beheading, crushed in the trunk, and buried alive as they've been practiced before. :p

How about dipping his head in a bucket of wet cement? :D
I didn't mean they should actually burry him alive or crush him in a trunk, but do something equally crazy. Wet cement sounds like a good start, indeed.
I agree with Flippy on this one. Even as someone who started the series with Saints Row: The Third, this was a big dump on Dex's character, and old-school Saints Row fans. I'm very sorry you old-schoolers had to see that happen with Dex. I wish they could've resolved it the way they did Julius in Saints Row 2.
Even though SR:TT and SR IV are very good games (they have good gameplay, really fun missions and lots of cool weapons and features) I still can't accept them as parts of Saints Row universe... Volition can say what they want but they just aren't canon to me.