SRTT Draw Distance

Any chance of seeing this put into SR4 before SR3? Thank you again for doing it at all.
That is very possible since we are still able to patch SR4. The only concern is introducing instability to the core game by making changes like this. It might have to wait until after DLC, but I'm not sure.
That is very possible since we are still able to patch SR4. The only concern is introducing instability to the core game by making changes like this. It might have to wait until after DLC, but I'm not sure.
Roll it into Enter the Dominatrix :D
Stuff like a higher draw distance, being able to disable bloom or at least adjust the level, (without killing every instance of post processing, that is) and other little adjustments PC games usually have. Also, I realize how shitty my last comment sounded, I'm pretty tired right now. ;)
It's a fair assessment though. Most PC games do have sliders and such to adjust detail levels. The issue here is that our game didn't and it isn't something that is coming with a content patch, but instead something that we, the individuals who worked on the project, would like to bring you in our spare time. The rub is that we're on the outside looking in as far as getting that content out to you. We have to not step on the game or interfere with the release schedule. We can't take QA that is working on DLC and make them work on our side project so we can piggy-back on the DLC patch. It sure would be nice to do that, but we can't. I can understand that too...the last thing that is desired is for a patch to come out and accidentally, totally break the game...again
I really hope SR3 at least get this option eventually, although it is not as bad and crazy as SR2 but it is still bad enough... this should had been added in day one of Release for the PC Version, i know Consoles were most probably a Priority but these sort of Settings are a must in any modern PC Title.

I seen Gang Vehicles Spawn a lot just in front of me out of nowhere, and it would also be great to have a control on how far objects starts appearing in the distance.

We do appreciate that Volition is at least willing to take a look, really... also not many developers talk to us directly *Cough (Bethesda) Cough*, damn just remembering the silence we experience with Bethesda in Skyrim pisses me off.
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