Nice, when I played around with it, I gave guns pistol animations to make it work, but that ruined the weapons on foot.
Nice, when I played around with it, I gave guns pistol animations to make it work, but that ruined the weapons on foot.
I did that before too, but it turns out we must have been just replacing it with the wrong thing. I'm changing weapon class and animation group to SMG, and it seems to fix the issues I had before with pistol animation/class.

Side effect I'm noticing for AR50s and RPGs is that you can't use the secondary fire, so those won't be usable in cars.
Interesting, I'm sure I tried both pistol and SMG animations and had the same results.
Interesting, I'm sure I tried both pistol and SMG animations and had the same results.
I must have stumbled my way into perfection.
My change for the driving guns was literally just these two text swaps. That's it. I didn't change individual animations, it was just these small replacements.



Anyway, the final-ish version of this mod should be coming out in the next hour, so stay tuned. Poop gun shat on my game when I tried to use it, so that's gone too, but in it's place I'm putting PEPPER SPRAY. Probably.
I say probably to all of the above because for some fucking reason you can't buy Pepper Spray with the GOTR all weapons cheat. It just isn't there. So now I have to spend however long picking fights with people just to get it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Alright, done. Forgot about something major regarding the Pepper Spray. There's a icon limit that I only seem to hit in the melee category, so the only dual wield additions to that are Stun Gun and Lazarus. It really doesn't matter, though, because the dual wield pepper spray sucks.
BUT IT'S DONE. IT'S FINALLY OVER. Next project is going to be something really small and really stupid, so look forward to that, or don't.
Here it is! I'll make the full release thread in just a second.


  • weapons.xtbl
    352.8 KB · Views: 255
    532.7 KB · Views: 238
If I wanted to have every dual-wield capable weapon to have the same standing and moving and crouching animations as the pistol which values would I change? I do not like how the weapons criss cross...
If I wanted to have every dual-wield capable weapon to have the same standing and moving and crouching animations as the pistol which values would I change? I do not like how the weapons criss cross...
what you will find is that with single animations the second gun will be at your waist and the firing animation will look super off as the playa shoots one gun at the ground lol. find a good balance and share it with us if u can