SPOILERS Enter the Dominatrix: The Review

(I've refrained from giving any key elements away, but it's a review so.....spoilerish.)

So, let's not kid ourselves. Though we all obviously love the Saints Row franchise, the same can't be said for it's DLC. The franchise has been riddled with half baked and sometimes flat out insulting DLC, but that was under the greedy thumb of THQ. With Saints Row 4 I believe we all hoped for a new beginning. To be able to look over at GTA's massive world expanding DLC and say.....nah, I'm too busy Rowing it up!

Before I get too deep I will say that both of the DLC missions are $10 together.....that's pretty cheap considering, but this isn't about value. This is about giving us a reason to continue playing SR 4. Unfortunately, EtD is not up to the challenge. Frankly, despite being cheapish, it still barely lives up to it's cost. Which is bad. It's pretty safe to assume the missions can be rapped up in far under an hour. Also, most of the new content is merely items brought back from Saints Row the Third, but with some textures thrown on for good measure. Though it packs a few laughs, and gives us a little more of SR 4's self parody humor, it falls far short of what I had hoped for, and that other games are providing.

In the end EtD finds the line in which Saints Row goes from irreverent to stupid. Some of the humor works, but more often then not it seems like the DLC's major punch line is that it sucks. Volition has never presented Saints Row as taking it's self seriously, and that's how I like it, but despite that, I still care what happens. I enjoy the story no matter how insane it is. EtD has 100% no effect on SR 4. EtD is in fact the story of EtD's own development.....derp derp. It brakes the 4th wall wide open, and though it leads to some ha ha moments, more often then not it is used to justify short cuts and the shear lack of new content. No new diversions, or gameplay expansions. Just one joke stretched way too long at our expense.

In the end, the only thing that redeems EtD is that it's cheap, but what Volition failed to understand is that it was never about the money honey. We just want more gameplay. If EtD was more on par with Skyrim DLC or GTA I would be more then happy to throw down $20 or more. However they said, "What if we just charge less?" Doesn't really help us here.

So, my verdict is that EtD is probably worth the money....but it still isn't good. It doesn't reignite your passion to continue dropping hours on the game. If you got bored with fighting aliens in Stillport then EtD will give you 45 minutes more on the clock. It's not what we wanted and it's not what SR 4 needed.

5/10: Worth a play through, but painfully mediocre. Adds no reason to continue playing past it's last mission. Over very quickly.
Good thing I havent buy the season pass yet, I'll wait for Steam Sales for it then. The base game is sufficient for me at the moment.

The franchise has been riddled with half baked and sometimes flat out insulting DLC, but that was under the greedy thumb of THQ. With Saints Row 4 I believe we all hoped for a new beginning.

From what I know, DLCs are always planned while the game is still in developement and SRIV is pretty much 100% developed under THQ. By the time Deep Silver got Volition, they are probably polishing the game and have all the DLCs half done, a new beginning is bit impossible.

After all, I think we can say the DLCs are pre-screwed by THQ.
A lot of people has been let down by ETD. I enjoyed playing it but I agree with people who thinks that is very short, easy and gives very few arguments to give it a second try. Anyway I'm pretty convinced that Volition will keep in mind the opinions of people of this forum (among other opinions, of course) for future DLC's mission packs.
I disagree, somewhat. I will say that it was indeed quite short, and that it would have been better if there was more of it. But isn't that true of everything? Personally, I knew exactly what I was purchasing with the season pass. Past experience told me right where to set my expectations, and in that light I thoroughly enjoyed EtD. Was not disappointed in the slightest. Sure, it definitely doesn't compete with, say, Dragonborn. But honestly, was it ever going to in the first place?
I personally lost it when...


...the velociraptor started singing the "song of his people".

It was also good to see Zimos back once more, though, I suspect it wasn't the original voice actor... but its hard to tell due to the auto-tune.
I was let down. The missions were short, the over the top "badly done" cut scenes were a little much for me, and I'm noticing that the new homies don't have conversations with the old ones. I have not tested this much, but I really wanted Matt Miller and NyteBlade to have a conversation.

The vehicles leave me underwhelmed. The weapons have no additional skins. All in all, I don't see myself going back to it much.
I can resume the DLC to that: "The raptors don't appear outside the DLC mission..." ;_;

Some good ideas definitely wasted because they're underexploited.
Riding a raptor was a batshit crazy fun idea but a letdown in practice, because it was just about a slow ride on a road.
I'm also not very fond of the sex jokes with the dominatrix and gimps.(which sound like reminiscent of SR3)

EtD is definitely closer to SR3 than SR4.
I thought this DLC wasn't to bad except for the DLC reward items you get, I got all the new Homies and the Spank Me outfit, the only thing it didn't give me was the Dom ThreeWay cars pack and I've played this DLC 3 times over only to have the same result, everything given to me accept the cars.

Over all its a nice idea :)
I found it to be ok a bit short for the price tho! I loved the cheesy humour used in it, Reminded me a little of far cry blooddragon in that respect. would like violation to do more mission dlcs .Than costumes dlcs . would keep me and friends much more interested . I realy liked the cutscene 's so i set about doing a addon for idols sandbox .a cut scene player of the dominatrix http://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/sandbox-for-saints-row-iv.4651/page-35#post-48203
Shitface's Review: (Warning, spoilers)

Enter the Dominatrix is barely worth the seven dollar asking price. For roughly the price of a McDonald's meal you end up with a very similar result. An experience that ends quickly and leaves you feeling a little bit sick afterwards. If you want to pay $7 for content that was left on the cutting room floor for a reason, and stuff copy/pasted from SR3 and 4, knock yourself out.

-Includes some "new" weapons, one new suit and a homie
-Provides a few good laughs, particularly during the section with "The Dom" (I would have appreciated more ASOIAF jokes though)
-Gives a little insight on the extremely messy development of EtD/SR4
-You get to kill dudes in some previously un-utilized cool looking areas of Virtual Steelport
-The Paul mission was pretty fun

-The "new" weapons are reskins of SR3 specialist weapons. Why wasn't the Satchel included? The assets are even still in the game you lazy bums.
-The whole thing is over in about 45 minutes
-Mission format is very tired and boring, zero new gameplay is added, just more "go here, kill waves of dudes" missions which made up the bulk of SR3/4 missions, or stuff copy and pasted from SR3/4. No new diversions or activities.
-All the enemies are laughably easy to defeat, especially the super Doms which have the reaction time of a lobotomized sloth
-Storyboard cutscenes are pretty unsatisfying to watch and everyone is quite out of character in them
-Raptors show up for 30 seconds and then disappear, the joke falls flat and something that could have been a fun and unique moment is instead a complete waste. It feels like V tried to ape the ending of the vastly superior Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon DLC, and just decided to completely half-ass it as usual. Where are the eye beams? Were there eye beams? My game crashed when I reached the finish line so I'm not sure.
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