ExcessiveSR3 (three sexadelic flavours!)

I'll be sure to test all this when I get a chance, any progress/update on the urinal,blowup doll and the shark from murderbrawl... Currently they don't work... They are part of Snipes mod, but still

EDIT: The flash bang works fine :D Level 4 flash bang is back :P
I found it super-powerful already :D ((and thinking about it, it's very similar to my sonic gun))
But yeah, you should rather ask the author if they're okay with me merging that in. A Steam user search for 'Zeromega' does not help. Don't see any other obvious means of contacting.
You have permission to add the Beefed Up Buster :D Zeromega replied, also I don't see any bonus downloads unless it's in the rar files :p
I noticed a bug with the molotovs in coop. They dont have any effect at all if the other player is using an unmodded Saints Row. All other Weapon modifications (even the ones I did) can be seen by the other player but not used by them though.

The molotovs just fly and land on the ground, dissappearing imediatly. No Explosion, no flame effect.
Thanks to Mr. Zeromega from ye olde competing Nexus forum thing, the already-OP Cyber Buster is now finally too OP to be true. I did change a good bit about it though.
Since GoS does not seem to be changing any all of the files I use, I presume this is fully compatible. Yahoo!

I blame the Steam Winter Sale for stealing me away. I mean ok, I did vanish a bit before it.