Extended Customization

I really need to learn programming at some point. These files are a little anoying to edit due to offset updating. If any, the heli edit tut will resort to only editing the last varient type in order reduce the amount of updates needed to the file. Would also be nice to know how to do the same thing to these nav points so i could try and attempt to add a new one from scratch. I would love to add heliports to every crib for part of this mod.
The Bear has me stumped so far. I dont see any reason as to why the color options are broken on it. Also editing grime might be pointless. From the looks of it when you go to customizea car the grime is auto removed.
Watching with interest and hope you can crack this nut.

Today my Saints Madam Leader, Her Most Buxom Awesomeness, May She Destroy Her Enemies Forever,
stole a variant of the Eagle chopper from the armory island.
THis version has a mini gun and rocket launchers plus fits 3 homies, one of which
can fire his/her weapon from the front seat! LOL. Awesome.
There is another Eagle we had found at the northern airport but that one has no weapons on board.

Would be great to be able to colorize these birds.

Cheap fun to beat the Wrestlers union till they cough up some grenade launchers and or rocket launchers, then
take said homies into the air with this bird to rain blessings of Allah upon the infidel.

Okay, sometimes I get carried away.

im currently looking into adding extra color chances to default vehicles. :p just to add a little veriety to helicoptors without having to mod it itself.

Edit: Good news everyone. Randomized color adding worked flawlessly. I shall make it so all the helicoptors can come in any color possable. It may spawn some butt ugly ones but it will be random and you could get a cool looking one :D

That is fucking awesome. Can't wait to try it out. :D

Any chance we can get a preview alpha to mess around with?
i figured once i got all the helicoptors to be randomized and i fix my asms to not have the broken files then i would upload what i have so far.

Funny little side note: Civilians dont know how to drive specters. :P they just seem to stand still and do nothing. Kind of convenient though for the sake of the screenshot.
Just out of curiosity, is it the cvtf files that contain the customization data like they did in sr2? RedRage was able to figure out which hex value to flip for enabling customization on certain parts which I then used to enable stuff like coloring the Hounfor body. That's as far as either of us ever got with it though.
yeah its the same file. I found the flag used for enabling vehicle parts flagged as "unbuyable". The main issue is that most vehicles dont have stuff hidden other than decals for variants, license plates, and dirt. For some reason they made dirt auto clean on customization so it might be hard to make vehicles purposly dirty.

For the file i found out how it works for the most part. Gibbed would easily be able to make a program convert the cvtf to a text and vice versa.

Edit: Manually fixing asm files takes forever >.>