Extended Wardrobe

For mikado's mod: You'll also need to merge the customization_items files from each mod.
I tried merging, but the code formatting of the two files is different, making it very hard to merge with WinMerge. Anyone know how to make merging these two files easier?

Seems like mikado's put his xtbl file through XTBL editor. The program organizes the xtbl so it doesn't look like an endless wall of text. If you load my version of the xtbl through that program, it'll look the same once you save it. Also: You just need to copy the first 4 entries (up until "bahamut suit") and have the existing entries below renamed so that the game wouldn't mess up.

bah, i hate replacing stuff. id rather add them in then replace them. 'spose we will have to wait for either an update (hopefully free dlc like last time) or the sdk.

Replacing stuff is how modding SR works at the moment - I didn't "add" new items in either, just replaced unused assets.
Ugh... using this mod replace my uncensor mod file customization_items.xtbl ; Can you make one that setting with disabling censor or someone can teach me how to edit the file to disable it's censor script... pls...
Seems like mikado's put his xtbl file through XTBL editor. The program organizes the xtbl so it doesn't look like an endless wall of text. If you load my version of the xtbl through that program, it'll look the same once you save it. Also: You just need to copy the first 4 entries (up until "bahamut suit") and have the existing entries below renamed so that the game wouldn't mess up.

Replacing stuff is how modding SR works at the moment - I didn't "add" new items in either, just replaced unused assets.
If you have all the asets needed such as theyr in game or ported from SRTT, then you can just edit the asm to compile that continer and make a mem pool entry for it and add in as new its bit potchy tho

also all the tables would have to be updated along with this, its why replacing is always so much easyr :P
You find an item to replace, you unpack its assets and the item you want to replace it with. You just copy the files and rename them appropriately so they would load as-is by the asm file.

So wait, you're saying it's this simple to transfer SRTT items (i.e. clothing) into SR:IV? Or are you only talking about between mods?
Yes, I replaced "vidchecker" items that were never used in-game, for example. It's that simple, but the only issue is that the amount of files has to match, otherwise it's just a pain in the ass having to edit stuff afterwards. Oh, another thing, you'll need to copy the "customization_items" listing of the SR:TT item into SRIV's, you'll also have to make sure that the listing's name and mesh filenames match those of the item you are replacing (so it'll know which files to find).