Female Cop Stripper mod

This is a mod import from my SR3 mod of the same name.

The biggest change from the SR3 version is the collection of personas (voice sets) which has been reduced.

SR4 NPCFemaleCopStripper Vera - texture reskin without fishnets - SR3 mod import - V1

Original goal was to hide the cloth/bra to give the chest area a more revealing look. This has been accomplished, though you can still see the mesh of the piece of cloth, when viewed from close enough or with the right ligthing from a slightly bigger distance. I also decided to make better use of the color scheme and give a different color to the buttonhole area of the blouse. For the lower body, I gave a dark red coloring to the boots, the belt and some belt equipment, and the fishnets have been removed.

If you want to have some of the cops in game replaced by this female cop stripper, I refer you to my other mod:
SR4 NPCFemaleCopStripper Vera - HowToReplaceCopsWithVera - SR3 mod import - V1

First, we want to make our female cops to sound like female cops. The female stripper dialog seems constrained to "I bruise easily". It is easy to make her to sound like a female cop, by giving her an assortment of female STAG personas (voices).

The fix for that must be done in the file character_definitions.xtbl

At line 312 we have the entry for saints_female_vera , this is the female cop stripper. We must change the content of the <Default_Personas> section.

Replace this:

with this:

This is a collection of 3 different voice sets from female STAG characters and the game will pick one from this collection, for each female cop created in game.

I have provided a version of character_definitions.xtbl with this change.


Now, it is time to actually replace regular cops with the female stripper cop.

The fix for that must be done in the file character.xtbl

This file is often modified by other modders, so you will probably want to take the file the modders have produced, and tweak it yourself to add change the cops you want into female stripper cops.

An example, the basic cop in the game is found at line 65:

-at the beginning of the line, you will see the entry <Name>npc_cop</Name> => DONT CHANGE THIS IDENTITY.

-further along, you will see the entry <Character>npc_cop</Character> => CHANGE IT TO: <Character>saints_female_vera</Character>

-further along, there is a gender entry, I change it but have no idea if it does anything:
<Gender>Male</Gender> changed to <Gender>Female</Gender>

-Finally, one last change for the color palette. The default palette for a cop is NPC_Police, and this looks not too nice with my texture mod because the outline of the blouse will be done with a light gray color. If you want the white blouse and black outline, change <Color_Palette>NPC_Police</Color_Palette> to <Color_Palette>NPC_Referee</Color_Palette>

I have provided a version of character.xtbl with this change.

Some nice color palettes, that you can see on the picture I provided:
NPC_Referee - white blouse and black outline
NPC_Genki - pink blouse and light blue outline
NPC_Deckers_Palette - dark green blouse and blue outline

So it is up to you, you can use the basic character_definitions.xtbl and character.xtbl files I provided, or modify those files if you already got some mods that have modified those files. female cop stripper mod.jpg


If you want, you can also copy the values of those color palettes, and put them into one new custom made color palette, so you can have all 3 of them.
If you want, you can also copy the values of those color palettes, and put them into one new custom made color palette, so you can have all 3 of them.

I guess I will have to check that color palette stuff more closely eventually!

Updated one of the mod files, to make the character.xtbl file work with the Steam update of jan 21 2014.
does this replace your character with the stripper cop? if so is there a way to do this with the angel and devil strippers too