Female Player Animations+ (FPA+)

i followed the instructions precisely and made the mods/FPA+ line in the loose.txt thing and copied the essential files to the fpa+ folder, when i copy a replaceable animation from animations library to the fpa+ folder inside of the sr2 root directory nothing happens, please help

i just have these mods:
- gentlemen of the row 1.9.2
- juiced 7.1.0, fpa+ didn't work for 7.2.2 so i replaced it with 7.1.0

instead of steam i use gog
Strange. I can't replicate the issue. It works fine for me with all Juiced Patch versions. Even just using Juiced, GotR and FPA+.

When you upgraded your Juiced Patch installation, did you re-edit your reloaded.ini? Did you accidentally install the default loose.txt?

I don't know if the entries in loose.txt are case sensitive. Make sure they match up exactly with the folder names.
when i used gentlemen of the row instead of fpa+ folder my character t posed and had random animations...
T-Posing is usually caused by what I explained in my previous post.

When you say "random animations", are they actually random in that they are being used in incorrect situations? Because that would be very strange.
...until i deleted fpa+ folder which corrupted my game and required me to reinstall
When you say "corrupted your game", do you mean it crashes before the main menu, or while loading a save? (A full reinstallation shouldn't be necessary if either of those is the case.)

Using a combination of Replaceable Animations which exceeds the 270KB limit will result in a crash before the main menu.