Fight all the gangs at once

like the title says if it's possible could someone make a mod where you can fight with the other gangs in steelport cause the gangs made the game fun n when u beat the game n takeover their not there so i just thought i'd be something to try B) ;) :)
lol idolninja u have a simple answer for every thing but any ways could it be possible to make it so u could get notoriety for all the gangs at once like having the morningstar and the deckers after u at the same time?
I really can't say for certain, but Sandbox+ allows you to increase specific notoriety for each gang. Have you tried setting them individually and seeing what happens?
no i havent yet but ill give it a try well thats if the game dose not crash on me
well sadly to say it doesn't work say you add morningstar then add deckers well when you add the second one it wipes the last gang notoriety then adds the new one
Then it's pretty unlikely it can be modded to change that I'm guessing.... well, maybe. You might be able to add in the other gang types into the notoriety spawns.
ah ok there's not even a way to combine all three together to have it to when u piss one gang off they all come after you?
No. You couldn't do that in SR2 either. Changing which gang members actually spawn in the notoriety table files is about the only thing I can think of that might work.... maybe.
well that sucks it would of been cool to fight all the gangs at once because THQ didn't think of it in the first place dam you THQ lol