Fight Club (Canonizing) - DEMO

This is a preview of a forthcoming Fight Club mod.
The finished mod will allow you to choose from a range of Arenas and Opponents, and mix and match them however you want!

As it stands, there is only the Saints HQ Arena, and Saints Soldiers as Opponents.
However, you can play Fight Club in any of the three stages of the Saints HQ's renovation, effectively giving you three Arenas in one!
(You can even switch renovation stages mid-fight with Sandbox++ code 888-218!)

It should be noted that moving Fight Club from it's natural habitat isn't exactly a bug free experience. But the glitches are fun glitches!
(Just try throwing someone off the balcony, and you'll see what I mean!)

Fight Club Prison will not be affected by this mod.


Gentlemen Of The Row):
1. COPY all files from "Choose your ARENA\Saints HQ".
2. PASTE into "Gentlemen_of_the_Row_Saints_Row_2_Super_Mod_v1.9.2\optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE".
3. COPY all files from "Choose your OPPONENTS\Saints\Soldiers".
4. PASTE into "Gentlemen_of_the_Row_Saints_Row_2_Super_Mod_v1.9.2\optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE".
5. Rebuild your Gentlemen Of The Row custom patch by double-clicking "Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat" and following the instructions.
6. Move the newly created contents of "MY_CUSTOM_PATCH" into your Saints Row 2 root folder (Where SR2_pc.exe is located.).
7. Launch Saint's Row 2. You've got some canonizing to do!

(via SR2ModManager):
1. Create a new folder and name it "Fight Club Demo".
2. COPY all files from "Choose your ARENA\Saints HQ".
3. PASTE into the folder you just created.
4. COPY all files from "Choose your OPPONENTS\Saints\Soldiers".
5. PASTE into the folder you just created.
6. COPY the folder you just created, and PASTE it into "SR2ModManager_v2.07\mods".
7. Run "SR2ModManager.exe" and tick the folder you just copied over.
8. Compile your "patch.vpp_pc" and move it from "SR2ModManager_v2.07\patch_vpp_pc_new" into your Saint's Row 2 root directory (Where SR2_pc.exe is located).
9. Launch Saint's Row 2. You've got some canonizing to do!

I have decided to release this work-in-progress as a demo because I am currently busy with other mod projects, and have had to put this on the back burner.
However; If you have modding experience and are interested in contributing towards the creation of this mod, please contact me privately via these forums.

-"Gentlemen Of The Row" by IdolNinja (& Co.)
-"SR2ModManager" by Masamaru
-"Sandbox++" by nclock1405
-"SuperUI" by nclock1405 - Custom missions used to gather navpoint information.

Thanks to AxleStone_Uppa and 3rdStreetSaint 212 for requesting Fight Club Canonizing, and inspiring plans to develop it further in the future.

Unzipped Folder Size: 54.4 KB


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A good time fighting people on Saints HQ
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Wow Cool, I like this very much and I'm looking forward to more updates in the future, heck ill probably make my own who knows?
also like how enemy's crouch and hide during mid-fight lol, makes this activity more interesting. other than the small bugs I've noticed, like kicking an enemy from a certain height causing him to float or some of the objects floating mid-match, I like sandbox feel to this.
Your did a great job man, looking forward to the final touches👍




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Wow Cool, I like this very much and I'm looking forward to more updates in the future, heck ill probably make my own who knows?
Like I said, I have A LOT of ideas for this mod! I would really appreciate the help if you're up for it. I can show you exactly what needs doing.
also like how enemy's crouch and hide during mid-fight lol, makes this activity more interesting.
Yeah, there's an AI path in the Saint's HQ which "Defensive" fighters follow. It starts from a crouching position behind the chair, crouch-walks a loop around the bar, then back to the pillars. I guess it's a leftover from the mission where you clear out the Samedi.
other than the small bugs I've noticed, like kicking an enemy from a certain height causing him to float or some of the objects floating mid-match, I like sandbox feel to this.
I'd doubt these issues can be fixed. But for me it just adds to this mod's charm!

Ninja 2.png


Decided To Add My Own Custom Content To This Mod You Made. I'm Thinking of adding more opponents to the mod when I get the free time and adding difficulties such as; (Easy) (Medium) (Hard) (Very Hard), to the opponents. Here Are Some Ninjas.