Final mission help

OK, so I am on the final mission. during the free fall, after you get the power armor i get through the first 2 laser grinds just fine, but the problem is the last one. I have tried a crap ton, hours or so, but it seems no matter what part I go it kills me. is this a bug? I can do it fine on the 360 but not on the pc... anyone know?
I don't recall the mission myself since it has been a while since I played, but your description of the problem reminds me of an issue Saints Row 3 had wherein computer performance played a role in the "falling ball" mission. Does your system struggle at all to maintain 60 fps? Maybe you can pass that part if you reduce the graphics settings.
Sorry, I played that in PC a few days ago but it was ok, no problem. It looks a bug but I dont know why.