Fire Immunity not working?

If you get Fire Immunity 4 before you get Fire Immunity 3, then it will downgrade you to Fire Immunity 3 when you purchase it.

The best bet is to just not purchase that upgrade at all if you happen to finish the activities needed to get 4 before you're able to purchase 3.
Have Volition staff confirmed this issue? I ran into it as well.
I have this on my list of bugs. I can't tell you yet about fix status or what patch, but we know about all of these that are reported.
IMO the best way to solve this problem would be to make Fire Immunity 4 a buyable ability that you unlock after completing the Blazing minigame on silver. You can only buy this ability after you've bought Fire Immunity 3 (Fire Immunity 4 appears in the list after Fire Immunity 3 has been bought where the price of Fire Immunity 4 will be like 500 or something since you did need to complete all those minigames before it). If this is implemented the patch is easy just remove Fire Immunity 4 for everyone so they can buy it again. In SR3 I did not have this problem as you buy Fire Immunity 4 (or whatever it's called there) after you've bought Fire Immunity 3 so it works.
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While this IS an annoying bug for some people (actually thanks to this thread I prevented from getting it), the easy "fix" until Volition actually releases a patch is to just ignore the Fire Immunity upgrades and do ever single Blazing activity to just directly unlock Fire Immunity 4. That way you also save a whole lot of money in useless upgrades.
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While this IS an annoying bug for some people (actually thanks to this spread I prevented from getting it), the easy "fix" until Volition actually releases a patch is to just ignore the Fire Immunity upgrades and do ever single Blazing activity to just directly unlock Fire Immunity 4. That way you also save a whole lot of money in useless upgrades.

True at that I had not noticed this thread before I bought Fire Immunity 3 however. I did all the Blazing activities early in game and got fire immunity (and definitly abused it in Psycho Mayhem with the balls, pick up a ball using normal psycho, aim it at the ground and just sprint kill cars and everything with it for high combo's this does require it to cost no special with the upgrade for it tho). After I got the level for the upgrades I did buy immunity 3 and there went my complete fire resistance.

I must laugh at the whole lot of money though earning money in SR3 and SR4 is way to easy....
I just usually save one of the Blazin activities until I hit the proper level to unlock FI 3 and then I complete it.
Wow, thanks to Ashnod's quote I noticed I typed "spread" instead of "thread". Had a brain meltdown there it seems.