Firespite's Weather Mod *NEW*

Colored just like my real jeans, minus a hole or two. Real jeans used for reference!

These colors work on all jeans. You can get some cool faded black jeans with black, white, and light gray. And brown jeans/shorts with light brown, khaki, and that light yellow.
I know you mentioned something about the "moon isn't visible at night", I asked Volition in the "Ask Volition!" section of the forums.

I been kinda busy lately with my texture pack and still trying to get the moon to work in the game but still the moon is invisible.

Edit:: There could be another possible way to get the moon to work but it would involve altering a texture of some kind (like clouds, ect.) but the size of the moon will have to be adjusted to fit the sky correctly.
I saw your posts before and they didn't really register until now when I'm trying to fiddle with night time. The moon is such a big deal! Where is it?

The problem is, I've tried everything I could think of to make the moon appear. I adjusted its angle in the sky, hoping maybe it was just in an area we can't see, I adjusted time of day and looked all around meticulously trying to find it, and I upped the Moon Scale to a million times hoping it would be so large it couldn't be missed, maybe even taking up the entire sky just to prove it exists, and yet nothing happened. There is no spoon. I mean moon. Spoon boy. Poet.

Frustrating. Yet there are pictures of the console version where the moon is visible. Another casualty of the port. Rest in peace, sweet moon.

Unless there's a file somewhere completely different which controls the moon.
I saw your posts before and they didn't really register until now when I'm trying to fiddle with night time. The moon is such a big deal! Where is it?

The problem is, I've tried everything I could think of to make the moon appear. I adjusted its angle in the sky, hoping maybe it was just in an area we can't see, I adjusted time of day and looked all around meticulously trying to find it, and I upped the Moon Scale to a million times hoping it would be so large it couldn't be missed, maybe even taking up the entire sky just to prove it exists, and yet nothing happened. There is no spoon. I mean moon. Spoon boy. Poet.

Frustrating. Yet there are pictures of the console version where the moon is visible. Another casualty of the port. Rest in peace, sweet moon.

Unless there's a file somewhere completely different which controls the moon.

The skybox files are in the pegs.vpp_pc and textures.vpp_pc files located in the game install directory they are named "sr2_skybox.peg_pc" and "sr2_skybox.g_peg_pc". I used Masamaru's SR2PegTool to extract them. There are clouds, stars, moon and mountains after extracting them. The moon itself is 256x256 diameter according to Photoshop, I tried increasing the size, no moon worked I even tried to make the moon a different format like DXT1 because DXT5 is the default format but nothing I tried worked. My next plan will be to take the "cloud_cirrus.tga_0.png", add a moon texture in the file maybe then we can see a moon.

SR2_pc 2016-07-14 01-50-23-09.png

SR2_pc 2016-07-14 02-18-23-24.png
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Sorry for double-posting. I don't know if it would work but I've compared the Xbox360 version of Saints Row's "time_of_day.xtbl" to the PC version of SR2's "time_of_day.xtbl" files, there is a Moon Rise and a Moonset in the first game's "time_of_day.xtbl" file but it's not mentioned in Saints Row 2's "time_of_day.xtbl" file for the PC so I'm thinking if I were to add the Moon Rise and Moonset in the time slots for SR2 it could reveal moon but I don't know.

Update: I'll edit this post so I don't have to post a new post. No go! The modified "cloud_cirrus.tga_0.png" file with the Moon inserted in didn't work, instead it gave Stilwater 4 moons lol. Other than that I also tried to insert Moon Rise1 and Moon Rise2 in the appropriate time slot along with the Moon Sset1 through Moon Set5 in the time_of_day.xtbl file and that didn't work so I'm back at the beginning.
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