First-person camera experiment

This mod works fine with a keyboard and mouse. One thing i'm having a problem with is first person in a car using a controller. Whenever i press LT (Brake Button) it exits me out of first person. Cannot find a fix anywhere so i'm stuck using a keyboard and mouse which isn't a problem but I would love to be able to use a controller in cars.

Heres a video of what i'm talking about.
Hey guys, I this is probably much after the fact but I scripted a fix for the zoom/reverse control problem for Xbox gamepads on here. I essentially made zoom on RS instead of LT but it does switch your melee to LT now. You also zoom while shooting with RS now (Halo style) but it's a small compromise I think to be able to properly utilize this awesome first person mod Quantum has provided for us. Check it out, I'm sure someone's who's really looking for a fix will appreciate it.

