SR2 Fixing a cutscene bug

I have been playing SR2 on pc for a few years and still get the offset model bug. I even use vsync and that does nothing at all, maybe we can get a fix for it or am I missing something? I just really love playing the game, but when the cutscenes are a bit off it ruins it somewhat for me... Also, maybe we can get a SR2 remake sometime or something?
In SR2, even if my fps is 60, it sometimes happens and is more tolerable, example Gat is holding a phone in his right hand, you see it next to his right hand.

But when I capped it at 30, everything returned good.
Man, this really bothers me. I prefer not to cap this at 30fps, but I guess if I want the cutscene problem solved I'm gonna have to deal with it. Thanks for the info though.