SOLVED Fixing the Wild Child skirt's weird black transparancy and texture issues when cloning/packing

Hey hey hey ehye ehyeyeyye

I manually cloned an item and edited the transparancy on a DX5 diffuse map for a cloned item, it was already DX5 with ALPHA flag enabled by default in the game, so I made more of it transparent than it was originally...

..but now all the transparent parts are black when in the free world, but NOT in the shops or portal!!

Here's pictures:
In shop:

No more leggins!
In open world:

Leggins are back!!!! Nooo!!

I presume it's to do with the normal map? ... maybe... I've tried it default, all transparent, half transparent, all black... no dice :'(

Or is this some kind of shader thing from messing up an XTBL or ASM file? There's a few options and I don't really understand them. Same ffor the "Material_Element" things... what are my options there?

Possible Explination:
I had to manually clone the wild-child skirt because the Clone tool doesn't work on that one... sooo I've manually edited the XTBL and ASM files a lot and tried to replicate the default one for wildchild but it might not be perfect.

Here's some related stuff I don't really understand... is this right? (do I need to change material name to something since I also changed texture names?)

Attached the file too just in-case u wanna see a broken terrible skirt... or to help :) :D <3


So I extracted the files and both vanilla and your mod use the same texture (the same file name). Maybe that causes the problem.
And also, how did you "manually cloned" the item?
Thank you both so much for your ideas <3

When making all the other textures transparent I unfortunatly still have the black legs outside of shops, it also makes the skirt texture all black which I think is supposed to happen. I also tried making Normal Map white (forgot to test this before) but no luck...

I can't figure out how to change the texture names without it crashing to desktop. Might be super close though!
I used srtextool to change all of the names inside .cpeg_pc, then I edited the .ccmesh to have the new names. btw some of the texture names inside .ccmesh have random capital letters... that's... normal? And not all of the textures mentioned inside .ccmesh file are inside the .cpeg_pc file... is that normal too? :D
I'm just using Notepad++ to edit the .ccmesh cause I can't find a tool for it lol (if I try to open it in MV_1.6 it says "index out of range" and fails) :(

By manually cloning, I actually mean:
  1. Cloned a similar item (skin tight shorts)
  2. Extracted the Wild Child skirt from vanilla and renamed all of the files inside
  3. Rebuilt the custmesh_ file with the contents of the renamed Wild Child Skirt files
  4. Copied the morph file from vanilla too, the one which sits outside the custmesh_ when cloning, this is the same as the one inside custmesh_ ?
  5. Edited the ASM and XTBL files to match that of the rebuilt custmesh_ file and Name/DisplayName. I changed the <Mesh_Information> with the new file names, <VID Lists> and <Obscured VID>. The only thing I didn't copy was the <Material_List> because I don't know what to change these too. I've tried the cloned shorts default, Wild Child vanilla and also changing <Material> to "Standard_8" because I saw another clone file use this...
  6. Rebuilt everything
Now that I've typed that out I think it might be something to do with the XTBL file. Maybe something to do with <Material_List> and its children, do y'all know what the <Material> tag is meant to contain?

Thanks again for both your ideas <3
I have ported items from SR4 to 3 without modifying any of that from the xbtls and asm, and they work even if the materials used are different from the replaced one. You only need to change the name of the files within the str2_pc
You only need to change the name of the files within the str2_pc

Okay that's good to know thank you, will save me time in future. I'm going to give it another go tomorrow from scratch.
I reverted the textures back to default and even the vanilla files have black instead of transparancy outside of shops... I know Flow once said the shader was broken on that item but since the vanilla (not cloned) one is "fine" this cloned one should be... maybe..

I made the texture a gradient from 0 -> 255 to see if it was trouble. The texture in game just staight from 255 to 0 instead of a gradient, looks like it gets to halfway transparent then goes black! It's like if its DXT1 instead of DXT5 (?), srtextool says its still DXT5 so maybe it's a model issue? Anyway this doesn't really explain why it goes black instead of none. I'd show a picture but my image host just died tonight lol

I WILL SOLVE THIS AAAAAA :mad::mad::mad:
fixed fixed fixed fixed fixedfixedfixedosjapdfijpoijwerqf I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY BUT IT's FIXEDDD :mad::mad:

I apparantly made a retexture in 2017 for wild child skirt which is sat in my game's install directory. If I copy that 2017 file and rebuild the cloned custmesh_ with its contents then there is no black! It works!!!
If I copy the vanilla file from the game's own customize_item.vpp_pc, its black and fails!

Comparing both the vanilla and 2017 files, they're completely different! They have different textures entirely which I have never ever edited, also, the .ccmesh file is completely different even though they're both extracted from the excact same vanilla custmesh_ file using the same revision 121 of minimauls tools...

I don't even know where this file came from lmao. Its contents don't match what's in the texture list on this forum.

Here's the textures from vanilla customize_item.vpp_pc file which have never been edited since installing the game:
[0] cf_nlmb_lbdy_f_skirt_d.tga (FLAG: 0x1)
[1] cf_nlmb_lbdy_f_skirt_n.tga (FLAG: 0x200)
[2] pat_plaid03.tga (FLAG: None)
[3] cloth_matte_03_sb.tga (FLAG: None)
[4] metal_piercings.tga (FLAG: None)

Now here's the texture which I apparantly made in 2017:
[0] cf_nlmb_lbdy_f_skirt_d.tga (FLAG: 0x1)
[1] cf_nlmb_lbdy_f_skirt_n.tga (FLAG: 0x201)
[2] pat_plaid03.tga (FLAG: 0x1)
[3] metal_silver_03_sb.tga (FLAG: 0x1)

All the textures have ALPHA flag enabled, "cloth_matte_03_sb" is completely missing and it uses a different metal sphere map! I have absolutely no idea where this 2017 file came from, what I did to it to get it like that, and why it works... because if I extract the texture from the 2017 file and repack into the vanilla one it goes back to black in game!

This magic 2017 version I somehow have also has a completely different .ccmesh file from vanilla which mentions different textures and has overall different content. Why??? I don't know! o_O
I think this magic beautiful 2017 .ccmesh_pc file is what's fixing the issue... I don't know why and I don't have Maya to look, but if I use that ccmesh file it works, unlike vanilla!

If it's broke for u as well and you want a fix I think this file attached might work:
I've attached the magic file to this post, if you extract the contents you can use those all as a base for your re-texture (might want to rename everything, they're vanilla atm)... unless this is an issue only i'm facing :rolleyes:

Thank you both again for your help, you didn't have to spend your time here so I appreciate it <3

