From a dubstep gun to a metal gun?

Sorry. It's just.. it has to be done.. I mean.. it's just perfect..

(Could link multiple songs similar, but chooses not to.)
{'cause this one came to mind when I first saw the gun zooms in before the beat drops}
Sorry. It's just.. it has to be done.. I mean.. it's just perfect..

(Could link multiple songs similar, but chooses not to.)
{'cause this one came to mind when I first saw the gun zooms in before the beat drops}

Yeah maybe, BUT(!!!) If we can manage to make a dubstep gun mod, we HAVE TO be carfull regarding the copyrights and releases.
So it might be better to start with licence free tracks if we plan to share it.
That's the attack, loop, and release (ALR). There's also the equip loop, which is just a sample from somewhere else in the song that's looped with a little LPF applied.

Now, a thought... if you were to locate and separate and/or duplicate the metadata holding the tags from these files, you could apply them to any song you wanted for a quick and dirty dubstep mod that doesn't actually line up... but it does replace the songs. I'm not actually completely sure how to do this (gotta earn it yerselfs) or if it'll even work (I'm still learning how you guys do stuff) but it's a start.

As far as I know, that metadata is the only thing determining the fire rate and type. It should theoretically work on any sound file if you edit it and drop it in properly. IF.

Wouldn't be dubstep if it was clean.

So it's a long way to go! After poking around a bit here are my problemes :

-Format : How the hell am I supposed to create an "unreadable" .wav ??? yeah, because To be able to press play and being able to hear something I had to convert the .wav in the vpp_pc!
So If I want to keep the same format, i have to make an unreadable wav!... well I can do that but mine will be fucked up! Yours, somehow, make sence!

-Meta data : ... hooo I saw them! Using a dirty and unusable way but I saw them!
adtllabl    Song_Start  labl    Cannon_Fire labl
    Death labl    Rifle_Fire  labl    Cannon_Fire labl
    Death labl    Cannon_Fire labl
          Death labl
  Cannon_Fire labl
    Death labl    Cannon_Fire labl

  Death labl    Cannon_Fire labl
    Death labl    Rifle_Fire  labl    Rifle_Fire  labl    Rifle_Fire  labl    Rifle_Fire  labl    Rifle_Fire  labl    Rifle_Fire  labl    Cannon_Fire labl
    Death labl
    Death labl    Cannon_Fire labl    Rifle_Fire  labl
    Death labl    Cannon_Fire labl    Rifle_Fire  labl
    Death labl    Cannon_Fire labl      Rifle_Fire  labl  !  Rifle_Fire  labl  "  Rifle_Fire  labl  #  Rifle_Fire  labl  $  Rifle_Fire  labl  %  Rifle_Fire  labl  &  Cannon_Fire labl  '  Rifle_Fire  labl
  (  Death labl  )  Cannon_Fire labl
  *  Death labl  +  Rifle_Fire  labl  ,  Cannon_Fire labl
  -  Death labl  .  Rifle_Fire  labl  /  Cannon_Fire labl
  0  Death labl  1  Rifle_Fire  labl
  2  Death labl  3  Cannon_Fire labl  4  Rifle_Fire  labl  5  Cannon_Fire labl
  6  Death labl  7  Cannon_Fire labl
  8  Death labl  9  Cannon_Fire labl
  :  Death labl  ;  Rifle_Fire  labl  <  Rifle_Fire  labl  =  Rifle_Fire  labl  >  Rifle_Fire  labl  ?  Rifle_Fire  labl  @  Rifle_Fire  labl
  A  Death labl  B  Cannon_Fire labl  C  Rifle_Fire  labl
  D  Death labl  E  Cannon_Fire labl  F  Rifle_Fire  labl  G  Cannon_Fire labl
  H  Death labl  I  Rifle_Fire  labl  J  Cannon_Fire labl
  K  Death labl  L  Rifle_Fire  labl  M  Rifle_Fire  labl  N  Rifle_Fire  labl  O  Rifle_Fire  labl  P  Rifle_Fire  labl
  Q  Death labl  R  Cannon_Fire labl  S  Rifle_Fire  labl  T  Rifle_Fire  labl  U  Rifle_Fire  labl  V  Rifle_Fire  labl  W  Cannon_Fire labl
  X  Death labl  Y  Rifle_Fire  labl  Z  Rifle_Fire  labl  [  Rifle_Fire  labl  \  Rifle_Fire  labl  ]  Rifle_Fire  labl  ^  Rifle_Fire  labl  _  Cannon_Fire labl
  `  Death labl  a  Rifle_Fire  labl  b  Cannon_Fire labl
  c  Death labl
  d  Death labl  e  Cannon_Fire labl
  f  Death labl  g  Cannon_Fire labl
  h  Death labl  i  Cannon_Fire labl  j  Rifle_Fire  labl  k  Rifle_Fire  labl  l  Rifle_Fire  labl  m  Rifle_Fire  labl  n  Rifle_Fire  labl  o  Rifle_Fire  labl  p  Cannon_Fire labl
  q  Death labl  r  Rifle_Fire  labl  s  Rifle_Fire  labl  t  Rifle_Fire  labl  u  Rifle_Fire  labl  v  Rifle_Fire  labl  w  Cannon_Fire labl
  x  Death labl  y  Rifle_Fire  labl  z  Cannon_Fire labl  {  Rifle_Fire  labl
  |  Death labl  }  Rifle_Fire  labl
  ~  Death labl    Cannon_Fire labl  €  Rifle_Fire  labl    Rifle_Fire  labl  ‚  Rifle_Fire  labl  ƒ  Rifle_Fire  labl  „  Rifle_Fire  labl  …  Rifle_Fire  labl
  †  Death labl  ‡  Cannon_Fire labl
  ˆ  Death labl  ‰  Cannon_Fire labl  Š  Cannon_Fire labl
  ‹  Death labl
  Œ  Death labl    Cannon_Fire labl  Ž  Cannon_Fire labl
    Death labl    Rifle_Fire  labl
  ‘  Death labl  ’  Cannon_Fire labl
  “  Death labl  ”  Cannon_Fire labl  •  Cannon_Fire labl
  –  Death labl  —  Rifle_Fire  labl  ˜  Rifle_Fire  labl  ™  Rifle_Fire  labl  š  Rifle_Fire  labl  ›  Rifle_Fire  labl  œ  Rifle_Fire  labl    Cannon_Fire labl
  ž  Death labl  Ÿ  Cannon_Fire labl
     Death labl
  ¡  Death labl  ¢  Cannon_Fire labl
  £  Death labl  ¤  Cannon_Fire labl  ¥  Rifle_Fire  labl  ¦  Rifle_Fire  labl  §  Rifle_Fire  labl  ¨  Rifle_Fire  labl  ©  Rifle_Fire  labl  ª  Cannon_Fire labl
  «  Death labl  ¬  Rifle_Fire  labl    Rifle_Fire  labl  ®  Rifle_Fire  labl
  ¯  Death labl  °  Cannon_Fire labl  ±  Rifle_Fire  labl  ²  Cannon_Fire labl
  ³  Death labl  ´  Rifle_Fire  labl  µ  Rifle_Fire  labl  ¶  Cannon_Fire labl
  ·  Death labl  ¸  Rifle_Fire  labl  ¹  Rifle_Fire  labl
  º  Death labl  »  Cannon_Fire labl  ¼  Rifle_Fire  labl  ½  Cannon_Fire labl  ¾  Rifle_Fire  labl
  ¿  Death data

When in doubt, just put that baby in notepad!
BUUUUUT!!!!! Clean extractors can't manage to see them BECAUSE THE WAV IS UNREADABLE!!!!
(I tryed to use this : , clean .xml extractor)

Soooo... no... i'll pass, wait and hope for a simple way using the SDK.
Can't tell what's the metadata, and what's artifact of what you pulled it out with. It looks like we're looking at rifle_fire cannon_fire and death for the actual tags (probably straight-blast, spin-blast, and wub pulse?) timed to the music.
It might be you're trying to open it with the wrong tools, or missing a step to convert. I'm gonna give it a shot myself, see if I have any more luck...
Can't tell what's the metadata, and what's artifact of what you pulled it out with. It looks like we're looking at rifle_fire cannon_fire and death for the actual tags (probably straight-blast, spin-blast, and wub pulse?) timed to the music.
It might be you're trying to open it with the wrong tools, or missing a step to convert. I'm gonna give it a shot myself, see if I have any more luck...

lol , wep_dubstep_gun_media_00014.wav ->right click->open with notepad.
So the wrong tool indeed, but it seems I can't found the proper one to make a clean export ... Even after a "Quick and dirty Google search".

But if you want to give it a shot, to make you win some time, the dubstep gun audios are :
Saints Row IV\packfiles\pc\cache ---> sounds_common.vpp_pc ---> wep_dubstep_gun_media.bnk_pc
Yeah, the problem is I can open the songs if I use the ww2ogg util to pull them apart into oggs, but that seems to destroy the meta-data (and oddly while I can play said oggs, audacity crashes on trying to load any of em!). I can't open the waves (in *anything*, actually, nothing that works with sound files), but they're special format anyways. I suspect we might actually need wwise to open them and work with them. I guess then we're waiting for the proper version of wwise to be uploaded here. Didn't Minimaul say he got permission but needed to get the right version from them to host? I guess we're still waiting on them then :(

I personally did hex-edit to check, same thing really since the meta-data tags are plaintext.
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Maybe Ellix can find out what format the files are stored in so we can attempt to write a convertor.
lol doing that wouldn't make the dubstep gun dlc worthless thing? i mean it is cool if you can play your own tracks but *dammm i bought the remix pack :/
Well, they put all that work in, and added new tracks. We're gonna have real issues with any sort of music added.. copyrights will probably prevent most things we'd want to add to be, you know, added. (Unless we could claim fair use, but that is very iffy). So, a lot of royalty-free songs, and possibly the stuff in the game already (although I'm not sure about that, we'd still have to pull it out, edit it, and put it back in, but it's from the game and the game has the rights..)

Plus, well, some of the DLC is mostly for the console users anyways, that or the people who don't bother with mods. The clothing packs and weapon packs are neat, but while it sells I don't know how many of the people here actually bought the 'executive privilege' cheat pack. :rolleyes: