Sorry. It's just.. it has to be done.. I mean.. it's just perfect..
(Could link multiple songs similar, but chooses not to.)
{'cause this one came to mind when I first saw the gun zooms in before the beat drops}
Sorry. It's just.. it has to be done.. I mean.. it's just perfect..
(Could link multiple songs similar, but chooses not to.)
{'cause this one came to mind when I first saw the gun zooms in before the beat drops}
That's the attack, loop, and release (ALR). There's also the equip loop, which is just a sample from somewhere else in the song that's looped with a little LPF applied.
Now, a thought... if you were to locate and separate and/or duplicate the metadata holding the tags from these files, you could apply them to any song you wanted for a quick and dirty dubstep mod that doesn't actually line up... but it does replace the songs. I'm not actually completely sure how to do this (gotta earn it yerselfs) or if it'll even work (I'm still learning how you guys do stuff) but it's a start.
As far as I know, that metadata is the only thing determining the fire rate and type. It should theoretically work on any sound file if you edit it and drop it in properly. IF.
Wouldn't be dubstep if it was clean.
adtllabl Song_Start labl Cannon_Fire labl
Death labl Rifle_Fire labl Cannon_Fire labl
Death labl Cannon_Fire labl
Death labl
Cannon_Fire labl
Death labl Cannon_Fire labl
Death labl Cannon_Fire labl
Death labl Rifle_Fire labl Rifle_Fire labl Rifle_Fire labl Rifle_Fire labl Rifle_Fire labl Rifle_Fire labl Cannon_Fire labl
Death labl
Death labl Cannon_Fire labl Rifle_Fire labl
Death labl Cannon_Fire labl Rifle_Fire labl
Death labl Cannon_Fire labl Rifle_Fire labl ! Rifle_Fire labl " Rifle_Fire labl # Rifle_Fire labl $ Rifle_Fire labl % Rifle_Fire labl & Cannon_Fire labl ' Rifle_Fire labl
( Death labl ) Cannon_Fire labl
* Death labl + Rifle_Fire labl , Cannon_Fire labl
- Death labl . Rifle_Fire labl / Cannon_Fire labl
0 Death labl 1 Rifle_Fire labl
2 Death labl 3 Cannon_Fire labl 4 Rifle_Fire labl 5 Cannon_Fire labl
6 Death labl 7 Cannon_Fire labl
8 Death labl 9 Cannon_Fire labl
: Death labl ; Rifle_Fire labl < Rifle_Fire labl = Rifle_Fire labl > Rifle_Fire labl ? Rifle_Fire labl @ Rifle_Fire labl
A Death labl B Cannon_Fire labl C Rifle_Fire labl
D Death labl E Cannon_Fire labl F Rifle_Fire labl G Cannon_Fire labl
H Death labl I Rifle_Fire labl J Cannon_Fire labl
K Death labl L Rifle_Fire labl M Rifle_Fire labl N Rifle_Fire labl O Rifle_Fire labl P Rifle_Fire labl
Q Death labl R Cannon_Fire labl S Rifle_Fire labl T Rifle_Fire labl U Rifle_Fire labl V Rifle_Fire labl W Cannon_Fire labl
X Death labl Y Rifle_Fire labl Z Rifle_Fire labl [ Rifle_Fire labl \ Rifle_Fire labl ] Rifle_Fire labl ^ Rifle_Fire labl _ Cannon_Fire labl
` Death labl a Rifle_Fire labl b Cannon_Fire labl
c Death labl
d Death labl e Cannon_Fire labl
f Death labl g Cannon_Fire labl
h Death labl i Cannon_Fire labl j Rifle_Fire labl k Rifle_Fire labl l Rifle_Fire labl m Rifle_Fire labl n Rifle_Fire labl o Rifle_Fire labl p Cannon_Fire labl
q Death labl r Rifle_Fire labl s Rifle_Fire labl t Rifle_Fire labl u Rifle_Fire labl v Rifle_Fire labl w Cannon_Fire labl
x Death labl y Rifle_Fire labl z Cannon_Fire labl { Rifle_Fire labl
| Death labl } Rifle_Fire labl
~ Death labl Cannon_Fire labl € Rifle_Fire labl Rifle_Fire labl ‚ Rifle_Fire labl ƒ Rifle_Fire labl „ Rifle_Fire labl … Rifle_Fire labl
† Death labl ‡ Cannon_Fire labl
ˆ Death labl ‰ Cannon_Fire labl Š Cannon_Fire labl
‹ Death labl
Œ Death labl Cannon_Fire labl Ž Cannon_Fire labl
Death labl Rifle_Fire labl
‘ Death labl ’ Cannon_Fire labl
“ Death labl ” Cannon_Fire labl • Cannon_Fire labl
– Death labl — Rifle_Fire labl ˜ Rifle_Fire labl ™ Rifle_Fire labl š Rifle_Fire labl › Rifle_Fire labl œ Rifle_Fire labl Cannon_Fire labl
ž Death labl Ÿ Cannon_Fire labl
Death labl
¡ Death labl ¢ Cannon_Fire labl
£ Death labl ¤ Cannon_Fire labl ¥ Rifle_Fire labl ¦ Rifle_Fire labl § Rifle_Fire labl ¨ Rifle_Fire labl © Rifle_Fire labl ª Cannon_Fire labl
« Death labl ¬ Rifle_Fire labl Rifle_Fire labl ® Rifle_Fire labl
¯ Death labl ° Cannon_Fire labl ± Rifle_Fire labl ² Cannon_Fire labl
³ Death labl ´ Rifle_Fire labl µ Rifle_Fire labl ¶ Cannon_Fire labl
· Death labl ¸ Rifle_Fire labl ¹ Rifle_Fire labl
º Death labl » Cannon_Fire labl ¼ Rifle_Fire labl ½ Cannon_Fire labl ¾ Rifle_Fire labl
¿ Death data
Can't tell what's the metadata, and what's artifact of what you pulled it out with. It looks like we're looking at rifle_fire cannon_fire and death for the actual tags (probably straight-blast, spin-blast, and wub pulse?) timed to the music.
It might be you're trying to open it with the wrong tools, or missing a step to convert. I'm gonna give it a shot myself, see if I have any more luck...