Game Discussion: What's left in the cards for The Row?

Warning: Contains spoilers for Saints Row: The Third, specifically the ending. Viewer discretion is advised.

Ok, so assuming that you've beaten SR3 at least once (or twice/played the end bonus mission to see the alternative ending like me), you'll know that the game ended with the player doing one of the two:

Sacrificing the girls to kill Killbane, kicked STAG in the nuts by blowing up The Daedalus, and took over Steelport as a city-state under the Saints' control.


Let Killbane get away, saved the girls, became a hero by saving a monument, and later killed Killbane in the movie "Gangsters in Space."

So, my question to you, the community, is what do you think will come next, if there is a SR4. Give your opinion in the comments below for one ending, the other, both, or even why you think this should be the end of the series, should you feel that way. (Don't worry, I won't bash you too hard...maybe. :twisted: )
Well Volition have already stated that they were working on SR4, so there will be a sequel.

And I really don't know which one they will choose, both are interesting, they may even choose to merge the two.
I doubt they will either, but whatever the case may be, I'm looking forward to the next game. I hope they make a minigame out of mid-air combat. Kind of like what they did with the trail blazers minigame, where it's for a movie. I also missed the insane level of character customization that they had in SR2. Then again, the zombie voice and the new options at Image as Designed make up for a lot of it.
if i was the devs i would of kept on stillwater one more time but upgrader the map and would have made the third forth.
I hope they do something along the lines of Mass Effect so that you can import your character from SR3 and the game will know what choices you made so they can further enrich the campaign mode and offer further incentive for multiple playthroughs. I loved SR2 and 3, but with 3 it honestly feels like the campaign aspect of the game was really light on content compared to SR2. It could be my imagination, but SR3's campaign tie-in story just seemed horribly short compared to SR2. Many of the "story" missions were nothing but an intro to the mini games, and the gang related story in SR2 seems a lot more diverse compared to SR3. I'm not slamming SR3 (because it's an awesome game), but it just feels like it was cut short (publisher making them push it out the door maybe?). So I hope they let us carry over aspects of the story from SR3 into SR4, and I hope they finish fleshing out the campaign mode via DLC instead of just cranking out skin/outfit/item packs.

I'm hoping that, in the saints row universe, The Third was a movie.

Please note: This is designed for the next gen of consoles.

It could start with the credits rolling and power playing. Shaundi (with her old voice actor and such) yells out "What the fuck was that?" She said, as the camera switches to her, Gat, and Pierce sitting a movie theater. "Well that was bad." Gat says, while getting up. "I knew I should have just smoked that new shit my ex wanted to try with me." Shaundi says while getting up along with him. "I can't believe they'd think the boss would just let me die like that too. I mean come on, he saved me before he'd do it again." She said, looking at Gat. "Hey at least you didn't get killed off within the first 10 minutes." Gat says. "I personally loved it." Pierce says, while taking a sip of his soda. "Shut up Pierce." Gat and Shaundi both say at the same time. Gats phone starts ringing, and he picks it up. "Yo." He says. A muffled voice is heard. "Boss, you didn't miss anything. The movie was crap. Some of the CGI was good, but they completely destroyed who we were. Damn. Hollywood has turned to shit." He said, with a laugh. The muffled voice responds, but an explosion is heard and the phone cuts out. "Yo, Boss? Fuck, we gotta find where he is and fast." Gat says. Mission starts, you play as Gat for the first one. You go and find the boss, and there's an ambulance with two cars that are completely destroyed. Cutscene triggers, can't think of anymore dialog so I'm just going to sum everything else up.

What happened was that, the boss was killed in a car bombing. The movie pissed the *real* syndicate off and they want the Saints taken down for using their likelyness in The Third. You play as a new member of the Saints. The first few missions are in Stillwater, you basically go around, recruit more people and stop any trouble the morning stars are trying to start in Stillwater. You're eventually seen as a threat and are captured, along with two other new characters that you recruit into the Saints. These next scenes play out similar to the thirds opening. You are cut off from the saints in the first few missions until you are able to contact Gat, who sends you money, guns, and mindless teenage minions to help you. At this point you're free to travel between Steelport and Stillwater (Both having no changes done to them. Steelport is exactly what it was like in the third and Stillwater was like it was in 2) and there will be different missions in each.

That's what I hope happens, at least. Also, the reason the new MC is killed is because at this point he has to be 50 or something.